Program Enhancements and Other Budget Adjustments
Preparing Students to Graduate from High School
The California High School Exit Exam (CAHSEE), a cornerstone of the state's accountability system, helps to ensure that all students graduate from high school with at least the basic knowledge and skills needed in the workplace and in life. With each administration of the exam, increasing numbers of students are demonstrating their competency in reading, writing and mathematics. The CAHSEE plays a vital role in helping to identify students who are struggling so they can get the targeted assistance they need to succeed. As a result, an unprecedented level of resources and attention has been focused on assisting at-risk high school students.
The Governor's Budget proposes $5 million for school districts to purchase individual intervention materials for students who have failed or are at risk of failing the CAHSEE. These materials include customized on-line tools to help students and teachers target remediation efforts. By tailoring interventions to a student's individual needs, the materials optimize the student's likelihood of success. Staff development support for teachers is provided in conjunction with the materials. Funding for these materials was first provided in the 2006 Budget Act.
To increase the number of students academically prepared to succeed in college, the Administration proposes expanding an innovative private-public partnership model that promises financial assistance for higher education costs to students who commit to completing a rigorous college-preparatory program. The Partnership for Success would provide grants totaling $1.5 million to fund three partnerships between local school districts and a CSU campus. These partnerships will develop RoadMaps for participating students to guide them through middle and high school to ensure they complete the A-G course offerings necessary to meet CSU entrance requirements. The CSU campus would guarantee admission for students that complete the RoadMap and, once admitted, provide students with additional support including assistance in developing a plan for completing course requirements to ensure degree completion within four years. Additionally, Partnership for Success fosters a college-going culture among students and parents by exposing them to the CSU campus through site visits, mentoring and tutoring and ongoing communication with the university.
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