Program Enhancements and Other Budget Adjustments
Addressing the Teacher Shortage
As California continues to face a severe teacher shortage, it is crucial that we explore innovative avenues to increase the number of individuals entering the teaching profession, particularly in the subject areas of math, science and career technical education. One untapped pool of individuals with subject matter expertise in these areas is the 11 million Californians who will retire by 2008.
As part of a broader effort to bolster supply, the Administration proposes $10 million to create the EnCorps Teachers Program to add 2,000 experienced retirees to the teaching corps. The EnCorps Teachers Program would establish a public-private partnership with industry and business to actively recruit retiring professionals to the classroom. Professionals recruited by the EnCorps Teachers Program would be supported during the completion of the program by their current employer and use existing California teacher internship programs to acquire the pedagogy necessary to be effective instructional leaders.
Currently there are 175 different credentials for teachers of career technical education (CTE). The large number of credentials reflects an attempt to identify all industries and trades represented in California's K-12 instructional programs. This attempt to develop a comprehensive set of specialized credentials has had the negative effect of creating an overly complex and bureaucratic credential process for CTE teachers.
To remedy this problem, the Administration proposes introducing legislation directing the Commission on Teacher Credentialing (CTC) to establish a more comprehensive list of authorized subjects for the designated subject preliminary and clear vocational education teaching credentials by September 30, 2007, based upon the 15 industry sectors identified in the California CTE model curriculum standards. Streamlining the CTE credential process will: 1) create incentives for CTE teachers by allowing them to move more easily across subject areas, making CTE teaching a more viable professional choice; 2) provide districts with added flexibility, making it easier for them to hire CTE teachers and expand CTE course offerings; and 3) create a more transparent and approachable credentialing process, thus assisting recruitment efforts.
The Governor's Budget proposes to continue to authorize the CTC to redirect positions to its Credentialing, Assignments and Waivers Division to address the backlog in credential processing. While significant progress has been made during 2006-07, it is critical that the effort continue until the excessive backlog has been eliminated and the processing time restored below the 75-day standard. This will ensure that prospective teachers and the school districts can make timely employment decisions.
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Proposed Budget Detail - K thru 12 Education
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