Program Enhancements and Other Budget Adjustments
New Resources and Tools for Low-Performing Schools
The Budget includes $300 million to begin payment of the $2.9 billion in Proposition 98 settle-up obligations for the 2004-05 and 2005-06 fiscal years. Of that amount, $268 million will be provided to approximately 450 to 500 school sites to meet specific goals such as reducing class sizes, reducing student-to-counselor ratios and providing teacher professional development. Participating schools will be required to accomplish these goals over a three-year period. Up to 15 percent of the funding can be used for research-based alternatives to the goals identified above. Schools will be required to exceed their Academic Performance Index (API) growth targets beginning in the fifth year of program participation.
Community Colleges will receive $32 million to improve and expand the number of career technical education programs and course offerings in secondary schools and lower division public higher education.
Recent research shows that among schools serving similar students, four factors distinguish high-achieving schools from those that are low-achieving. Specifically, high-achieving schools:
- Give the highest priority to student achievement.
- Implement a coherent, standards-based instructional program.
- Ensure availability of sufficient instructional resources such as textbooks, materials and supplies.
- Use assessment data to continually improve student achievement and instruction.
However, many principals at low-achieving schools have had little or no training in the interpretation of assessment data. Among those who have, many are unable to translate the implications into specific actions to improve student achievement and instruction. Even when principals know what steps to take to improve achievement, they may be unaware of the resources available to help them do so.
In order to address these problems, the Administration proposes $1 million to establish the California Program Improvement Management System (Cal PIMS). This system will provide low-achieving schools and school districts a unified intervention program, including research-based programs and virtual coaching, to turn around federal Program Improvement schools or those that are subject to academic intervention by the state.
Specifically, Cal PIMS will optimize the capability of coaches, principals and teachers to:
- Use assessment data to target areas for intervention.
- Access up-to-date information on federal and state accountability requirements.
- Use tools, structures and relevant research to respond to these requirements.
- Access recommended steps and processes to build a sustainable action plan to accelerate student achievement.
A healthy school environment that is conducive to student learning not only increases pupil achievement, but allows for effective schoolsite leadership and the recruitment and retention of qualified teachers. To continue progress made on improving the educational environment and culture of schools in the lowest three deciles of the Academic Performance Index over the past two years, the Governor's Budget proposes $50 million in one-time funding to continue the Low-Performing School Enrichment Block Grant for a third year. These funds are available for activities including: (1) assuring a safe, clean school environment for teaching and learning; (2) providing support services for students and teachers; (3) creating incentives, including differential pay, to help recruit and retain highly qualified teachers and highly skilled principals; (4) fostering small group instruction; and (5) giving teachers and principals time to work together to improve academic outcomes for students.
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