Program Enhancements and Other Budget Adjustments
Providing Online, User-Friendly Information on Schools
Over the past decade, the State of California has invested significant resources to collect an increasing amount of data from school districts. From demographic data of students and teachers to student performance and financial expenditures, California school districts collect extensive data and make over 100 reports to the Department of Education and other state educational agencies to meet state and federal reporting requirements.
Even with the plethora of educational data collected by state agencies, there is a dearth of useful information tools for parents, educators and policymakers to draw conclusions about the quality of schools and education in California. The primary reason for the lack of useful information tools about education is the failure to integrate the vast amount of data into pertinent and meaningful ways for parents, educators, the public and policymakers. Too often, collected data proves useful only to those select few who have the time and expertise to bring disparately located data together for analysis. So long as the different data are isolated and unrelated, the vast amount of information about our students and schools cannot be easily and effectively accessed and combined for easy understanding by parents, the public, educators and policymakers.
What is needed in California is an integrated and transparent system that is easily accessible and provides meaningful information to parents, the public, educators and policymakers. To this end, the Administration will be working with the Legislature, Superintendent of Public Instruction and other interested parties to redesign the School Accountability Report Cards so that they are parent-friendly and provide the relevant district and site level information that will allow schools to be compared to one another.
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Budget Summary - K thru 12 Education (pdf * - 138K)
- Provides this entire K thru 12 Education Chapter in pdf format.
Proposed Budget Detail - K thru 12 Education
Displays Proposed Budget Detail information for K thru 12 Education.