Department Index By Name
An alphabetical index of state agencies
included in the Budget. This index can be used to quickly access
information for a specific department.
0981 |
California ABLE Act Board
0530 |
California Health and Human Services Agency, Secretary for
2720 |
California Highway Patrol, Department of the
1750 |
California Horse Racing Board
6445 |
California Institute for Regenerative Medicine
8830 |
California Law Revision Commission
0984 |
California Secure Choice Retirement Savings Investment Board
8855 |
California State Auditor's Office
6610 |
California State University
7120 |
California Workforce Development Board
9860 |
Capital Outlay Planning and Studies Funding
9620 |
Cash Management and Budgetary Loans
5175 |
Child Support Services, Department of
4250 |
Children and Families Commission, California
8385 |
Citizens Compensation Commission, California
0911 |
Citizens Redistricting Initiative
3850 |
Coachella Valley Mountains Conservancy
3720 |
Coastal Commission, California
3460 |
Colorado River Board of California
4180 |
Commission on Aging
8790 |
Commission on Disability Access, California
0280 |
Commission on Judicial Performance
6360 |
Commission on Teacher Credentialing
4700 |
Community Services and Development, Department of
3340 |
Conservation Corps, California
3480 |
Conservation, Department of
1111 |
Consumer Affairs Regulatory Boards, Bureaus, Divisions, Department of
1110 |
Consumer Affairs Regulatory Boards, Department of
5225 |
Corrections and Rehabilitation, Department of
6645 |
CSU Health Benefits for Retired Annuitants
3790 |
Parks and Recreation, Department of
9300 |
Payment to Counties for Costs of Homicide Trials
8120 |
Peace Officer Standards and Training, Commission on
7503 |
Personnel Board, State
3930 |
Pesticide Regulation, Department of
2670 |
Pilot Commissioners for the Bays of San Francisco, San Pablo, and Suisun, Board of
0650 |
Planning and Research, Office of
8640 |
Political Reform Act of 1974
0974 |
Pollution Control Financing Authority, California
9651 |
Prefunding Health and Dental Benefits for Annuitants
5420 |
Prison Industry Authority
7900 |
Public Employees' Retirement System
7320 |
Public Employment Relations Board
4265 |
Public Health, Department of
8660 |
Public Utilities Commission
3875 |
Sacramento-San Joaquin Delta Conservancy
3845 |
San Diego River Conservancy
3820 |
San Francisco Bay Conservation and Development Commission
3825 |
San Gabriel and Lower Los Angeles River and Mountains Conservancy
3830 |
San Joaquin River Conservancy
3810 |
Santa Monica Mountains Conservancy
0954 |
Scholarshare Investment Board
6350 |
School Facilities Aid Program
0985 |
School Finance Authority, California
3100 |
Science Center, California
0890 |
Secretary of State
1690 |
Seismic Safety Commission, Alfred E. Alquist
0110 |
4185 |
Senior Legislature, California
9350 |
Shared Revenues
3855 |
Sierra Nevada Conservancy
5180 |
Social Services, Department of
3110 |
Special Resources Programs
5227 |
State and Community Corrections, Board of
3760 |
State Coastal Conservancy
8420 |
State Compensation Insurance Fund
0840 |
State Controller
4100 |
State Council on Developmental Disabilities
4440 |
State Hospitals, Department of
5170 |
State Independent Living Council
3560 |
State Lands Commission
6120 |
State Library, California
8885 |
State Mandates, Commission on
8140 |
State Public Defender
7920 |
State Teachers' Retirement System
6300 |
State Teachers' Retirement System, State Contributions to the
0950 |
State Treasurer
3940 |
State Water Resources Control Board
5195 |
State-Local Realignment
5196 |
State-Local Realignment, 2011
9900 |
Statewide General Administrative Expenditures (Pro Rata)
4140 |
Statewide Health Planning and Development, Office of
8820 |
Status of Women and Girls, Commission on the
6980 |
Student Aid Commission, California
6255 |
Summer School for the Arts, California State