6440 University of California
Program Descriptions
General Campuses Instruction includes most of the direct instructional resources associated with the schools and colleges located on the general campuses. Included are classroom and laboratory instruction, instructional technology, and joint scholarly research activities of students and faculty.
Health Sciences The instructional program in the health sciences is conducted in 15 schools that provide education in various health fields to students preparing for careers in health care, teaching and research. The health science schools are located on six campuses and include five schools of medicine, two schools of dentistry, three schools of nursing, two schools of public health, two schools of pharmacy, one school of veterinary medicine, and one school of optometry. In addition, four programs in medical education are conducted at Berkeley, Fresno, Riverside, and the Charles R. Drew University of Medicine and Science in Los Angeles. The physical, biological and behavioral science programs of the general campuses complement the programs of the health science schools.
Summer Sessions Non-UC matriculated students may enroll in summer sessions as self-supported students; funding for these students remains in the Summer Session budget. In summer 2009, 9,900 non-UC students registered for UC summer sessions. Many of these students are regularly enrolled at the California State University, California Community Colleges, and other institutions. All general campuses currently offer state-supported summer instruction to UC-matriculated students, funding for which is included in the general campus instruction portion of the budget.
University Extension University Extension is the largest institution of its kind, with an annual estimated enrollment of more than 320,000 registrants participating in classes, short courses, seminars, field studies, and similar activities throughout California and in several foreign countries. It has open admissions, optional credit, and free student selection of curriculum. University Extension is self-supporting, and its offerings depend entirely on student fees. Almost 60 percent of Extension's offerings are designed to serve the continuing educational needs of professionals. Overall, more than 1,300 certificate programs are offered.