6440 University of California
3-Yr Expenditures & Personnel Years
The following tables present this state agency's expenditures, personnel years, and funding sources for the past, current, and budget years.
Expenditures By Program
Provides expenditures by each budgeted program area for the past, current, and budget years.
Personnel Years By Program Provides personnel years data (expressed as full-time equivalents) by each budgeted program area for the past, current, and budget years.
Expenditures By Fund
Provides expenditures in support of this state agency's programs by funding source for the past, current, and budget years.
05 |
Instruction |
$3,438,164 |
$3,633,516 |
$3,863,487 |
05.10 |
General Campuses Instruction |
2,047,803 |
2,205,360 |
2,367,713 |
05.20 |
Health Sciences Instruction |
1,173,610 |
1,206,389 |
1,265,428 |
05.30 |
Summer Sessions Instruction |
9,333 |
10,201 |
13,491 |
05.40 |
University Extension Instruction |
207,418 |
211,566 |
216,855 |
10 |
Research |
588,898 |
622,681 |
669,660 |
15 |
Public Service |
212,594 |
226,440 |
255,637 |
20 |
Academic Support |
926,930 |
1,053,039 |
1,115,395 |
20.10 |
Libraries Academic Support |
231,407 |
244,533 |
269,341 |
20.20 |
Other Academic Support |
695,523 |
808,506 |
846,054 |
25 |
Teaching Hospitals |
4,957,130 |
5,248,130 |
5,560,618 |
30 |
Student Services |
536,649 |
604,997 |
619,997 |
35 |
Institutional Support |
741,696 |
721,806 |
775,846 |
40 |
Operation and Maintenance of Plant |
466,499 |
496,374 |
554,166 |
45 |
Student Financial Aid |
719,211 |
787,251 |
981,377 |
50 |
Auxiliary Enterprises |
942,677 |
1,002,205 |
1,062,337 |
55 |
Provisions for Allocation |
178,301 |
563,502 |
253,295 |
60 |
Program Maintenance - Fixed Costs, Economic Factors and Salary Increases |
- |
- |
310,772 |
65 |
Special Regents' Programs |
141,833 |
224,000 |
242,000 |
65.10 |
Special Regents' Programs - Opportunity Fund Programs |
141,833 |
224,000 |
242,000 |
70 |
Extramural Programs |
4,616,512 |
4,641,800 |
4,711,278 |
70.10 |
Instruction Extramural Programs |
465,107 |
445,508 |
435,039 |
70.20 |
Research Extramural Programs |
3,043,471 |
3,082,067 |
3,155,192 |
70.30 |
Public Service Extramural Programs |
227,832 |
223,275 |
223,275 |
70.40 |
Academic Support Extramural Programs |
270,835 |
272,189 |
273,550 |
70.50 |
Teaching Hospitals Extramural Programs |
11,370 |
11,370 |
11,370 |
70.60 |
Student Services Extramural Programs |
41,464 |
41,671 |
41,879 |
70.70 |
Institutional Support Extramural Programs |
83,402 |
83,819 |
84,657 |
70.80 |
Operation and Maintenance of Plant Extramural Programs |
14,817 |
14,817 |
14,891 |
70.90 |
Student Financial Aid Extramural Programs |
443,502 |
452,372 |
456,639 |
70.95 |
Auxiliary Enterprises Extramural Programs |
14,712 |
14,712 |
14,786 |
80 |
Major Department of Energy Laboratories |
595,425 |
672,830 |
740,113 |
Total Expenditures (All Programs) |
$19,062,519 |
$20,498,571 |
$21,715,978 |
05 |
Instruction |
26,036.4 |
25,461.1 |
25,461.1 |
05.10 |
General Campuses Instruction |
17,446.4 |
16,617.5 |
16,617.5 |
05.20 |
Health Sciences Instruction |
7,134.8 |
7,355.2 |
7,355.2 |
05.30 |
Summer Sessions Instruction |
124.8 |
124.8 |
124.8 |
05.40 |
University Extension Instruction |
1,330.4 |
1,363.6 |
1,363.6 |
10 |
Research |
5,294.4 |
5,249.4 |
5,249.4 |
15 |
Public Service |
2,191.5 |
2,191.5 |
2,191.5 |
20 |
Academic Support |
7,588.3 |
7,631.2 |
7,631.2 |
20.10 |
Libraries Academic Support |
2,354.5 |
2,296.5 |
2,296.5 |
20.20 |
Other Academic Support |
5,233.8 |
5,334.7 |
5,334.7 |
25 |
Teaching Hospitals |
27,019.0 |
28,621.4 |
28,621.4 |
30 |
Student Services |
5,222.1 |
5,356.7 |
5,356.7 |
35 |
Institutional Support |
8,444.6 |
8,279.2 |
8,279.2 |
40 |
Operation and Maintenance of Plant |
4,481.0 |
4,431.5 |
4,431.5 |
45 |
Student Financial Aid |
- |
- |
- |
50 |
Auxiliary Enterprises |
- |
- |
- |
55 |
Provisions for Allocation |
- |
-3,000.0 |
-3,000.0 |
60 |
Program Maintenance - Fixed Costs, Economic Factors and Salary Increases |
- |
- |
- |
65 |
Special Regents' Programs |
- |
- |
- |
65.10 |
Special Regents' Programs - Opportunity Fund Programs |
- |
- |
- |
70 |
Extramural Programs |
- |
- |
- |
70.10 |
Instruction Extramural Programs |
- |
- |
- |
70.20 |
Research Extramural Programs |
- |
- |
- |
70.30 |
Public Service Extramural Programs |
- |
- |
- |
70.40 |
Academic Support Extramural Programs |
- |
- |
- |
70.50 |
Teaching Hospitals Extramural Programs |
- |
- |
- |
70.60 |
Student Services Extramural Programs |
- |
- |
- |
70.70 |
Institutional Support Extramural Programs |
- |
- |
- |
70.80 |
Operation and Maintenance of Plant Extramural Programs |
- |
- |
- |
70.90 |
Student Financial Aid Extramural Programs |
- |
- |
- |
70.95 |
Auxiliary Enterprises Extramural Programs |
- |
- |
- |
80 |
Major Department of Energy Laboratories |
- |
- |
- |
Total Personnel Years (All Programs) |
86,277.3 |
84,222.0 |
84,222.0 |
0001 |
General Fund |
$2,418,291 |
$2,596,066 |
$3,018,649 |
0007 |
Breast Cancer Research Account |
12,776 |
12,776 |
11,219 |
0046 |
Public Transportation Account, State Transportation Fund |
980 |
980 |
980 |
0234 |
Research Account, Cigarette and Tobacco Products Surtax Fund |
14,553 |
13,090 |
12,965 |
0308 |
Earthquake Risk Reduction Fund of 1996 |
1,000 |
1,000 |
1,000 |
0321 |
Oil Spill Response Trust Fund |
1,500 |
2,000 |
2,000 |
0814 |
California State Lottery Education Fund |
24,947 |
28,079 |
26,747 |
0890 |
Federal Trust Fund |
3,500 |
3,500 |
3,500 |
0895 |
Federal Funds - Not In State Treasury |
20,735 |
19,000 |
19,000 |
0945 |
California Breast Cancer Research Fund |
778 |
778 |
600 |
0992 |
Higher Education Fees and Income |
2,293,704 |
2,627,405 |
3,213,743 |
0993 |
University Funds--Unclassified |
8,778,038 |
9,388,238 |
9,951,783 |
0995 |
Reimbursements |
278,124 |
488,793 |
1 |
3054 |
Health Care Benefits Fund |
1,656 |
1,608 |
1,900 |
6048 |
2006 University Capital Outlay Bond Fund |
- |
128 |
- |
7895 |
Extramural Federal Funds - Not in State Treasury |
2,949,409 |
3,127,830 |
3,295,113 |
8054 |
California Cancer Research Fund |
- |
250 |
250 |
8056 |
California Ovarian Cancer Research Fund |
- |
250 |
250 |
9993 |
Extramural Nonfederal Unclassified Funds |
2,262,528 |
2,186,800 |
2,156,278 |
Total Expenditures (All Funds) |
$19,062,519 |
$20,498,571 |
$21,715,978 |
NOTES:Expenditures for Fund 0995 Reimbursements include $268.5 million and $448 million in funding provided by the Federal American Recovery and Reinvestment Act (ARRA) in PY and CY, respectively. The ARRA funds received in 2009-10 were used to pay for 2008-09 expenditures. Budgeted programs expenditures total: 08-09=$13,850,582,000; 09-10=$15,183,941,000; 10-11=$16,264,587,000. Extramural programs expenditures total: 08-09=$4,616,512,000 and Department of Energy Laboratories (LBNL) total $595,425,000 for a combined total of $5,211,937,000; 09-10=$4,641,800,000 and Department of Energy Laboratory (LBNL) total $672,830,000 for a combined total of $5,314,630,000; 10-11=$4,711,278,000 and Department of Energy Laboratory (LBNL) total $740,113,000 for a combined total of $5,451,391,000. Restricted funds include the following: 0007, 0046, 0234, 0308, 0321, 0814, 0890, 0895, 0945, 0992 (08-09=$1,676,832,000; 09-10=$2,000,992,000; 10-11=$2,565,823,000), 0993, 0995, 3054, 6048, 8054, 8056. This summary includes expenditures, but not personnel years for auxiliary organizations or extramural programs.