Program Enhancements and Other Budget Adjustments
Secretary of State

The Governor's Budget includes $92.6 million ($36.2 million General Fund), which reflects a decrease of $7.6 million ($3.8 million General Fund) below the revised 2006-07 budget.

The Secretary of State (SOS), a constitutionally established office, is the chief election officer of the state and is responsible for the administration and enforcement of election laws. The SOS is responsible for the administration and enforcement of laws pertaining to filing documents associated with corporations, limited partnerships, and security agreements. The SOS is responsible for the appointment of notaries public, enforcement of notary laws, and preservation of documents and records having historical significance. All documents filed are a matter of public record and of historical importance. These documents are available through prescribed procedures for public review and certification as to authenticity.

The executive staff determines policy associated with the administration of the office through the programs of Elections, Political Reform, Business Programs, Archives, Information Technology, and Management Services Division.

The Governor's Budget includes $292,000 and 2.8 positions to expand the existing Safe at Home Program pursuant to Chapter 639, of the Statutes of 2006 (SB 1062). This Program, which provides services to victims of domestic violence and stalking, is now expanded to include victims of sexual assault. The funds will provide for staff, materials, mail bins, equipment, and printing materials for program enrollment. The Safe at Home Program allows local agencies to respond to requests for public records without disclosing a program participant's residence address contained in any public record, and otherwise provides for confidentiality of identity for eligible program participants.

The Governor's Budget includes $10.4 million in federal funds to continue the implementation of Help America Vote Act (HAVA). Of this amount, $6.5 million is to implement the new federally required VoteCal system which replaces the existing voter registration data base. The remainder is for ongoing HAVA implementation activities including $1.1 million in new federal funds for election assistance to individuals with disabilities, to be allocated to counties on a competitive basis; $500,000 for ongoing voter education and materials dissemination; $462,000 to continue activities to comply with changing federal voting standards; $180,000 to continue funds to counties for interim information technology solutions; and continuation of $1.7 million for HAVA administration.

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CHAPTER HIGHLIGHTS for Legislative, Judicial, and Executive Back to Top

 Major Accomplishments in 2006-07
 Proposed Legislative, Judicial, and Executive Spending for 2007-08
 Program Enhancements and Other Budget Adjustments
  Judicial Branch
  Office of the State Chief Information Officer
  Department of Justice
  Department of Insurance
  Board of Equalization
 image of black pointing arrowSecretary of State

Budget Summary - Legislative, Judicial, and Executive (pdf * - 57K) -
Provides this entire Legislative, Judicial, and Executive Chapter in pdf format.

Proposed Budget Detail - Legislative, Judicial, and Executive
Displays Proposed Budget Detail information for Legislative, Judicial, and Executive.