Legislative, Judicial, and Executive
Major Accomplishments in 2006-07
Initiatives implemented in 2006-07 and continued in the 2007-08 Governor's Budget include the following:
- Security Baseline Funding-The 2006-07 Budget includes $18.7 million General Fund to address deficiencies in court security, allowing the Trial Courts to add 97 new entrance screening stations and establish a five-year replacement schedule for entrance screening equipment.
- New Judgeships-The 2006-07 Budget includes $5.5 million General Fund to support facilities, staff, salaries, and benefits for 50 new judgeships beginning in April 2007.
- Sexual Assault Felony Enforcement Teams-The 2006-07 Budget includes $6 million General Fund for the Office of Emergency Services (OES) to support local Sexual Assault Felony Enforcement Teams, which reduce sexual assault offenses through proactive surveillance and arrest of habitual sexual offenders.
- California Multijurisdictional Methamphetamine Enforcement Team Program-The 2006-07 Budget includes an increase of $20 million General Fund for the OES' California Multijurisdictional Methamphetamine Enforcement Team Program, providing additional regional support to intensify the current methamphetamine eradication efforts of participating law enforcement agencies.
- Vertical Prosecution-The 2006-07 Budget includes an increase of $8 million General Fund for the OES to fund vertical prosecution units that dedicate specialized prosecutors, investigators, and/or victim advocates to follow specific heinous cases, such as child and elder abuse, rape, and stalking, through the entire judicial process.
- Gang Suppression Enforcement Teams-The 2006-07 Budget includes an increase of $6.5 million General Fund to allow the Department of Justice (DOJ) to add four new Gang Suppression Enforcement Teams, on a two-year limited-term basis, to the one team already in place. These teams provide a dedicated force with specialized knowledge of gang activities across multiple jurisdictions to curtail the threat of gangs.
- California Methamphetamine Strategy Program-The 2006-07 Budget includes $6 million General Fund to create three new teams within the DOJ to augment the three California Methamphetamine Strategy Program teams currently in place. These teams have specialized training that, coupled with multijurisdictional law enforcement partnerships, uniquely qualifies them to coordinate investigations and laboratory seizures. The additional resources will allow the DOJ to focus on less-populated, rural areas of California where methamphetamine production has become increasingly difficult to control.
- Special Crimes Unit-The 2006-07 Budget includes $1.3 million General Fund to increase investigation activities within the DOJ Special Crimes Unit to aggressively investigate and prosecute individuals and businesses that participate in complex financial and identity theft crimes. The DOJ now has $3.5 million to carry out these investigations.
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