Program Enhancements and Other Budget Adjustments
Judicial Branch

The State Constitution vests California's judicial authority in a tripartite court system composed of the Supreme Court, the Courts of Appeal, and the Trial Courts. The State Judiciary encompasses the activities of the Supreme Court, the Courts of Appeal, the Judicial Council/Administrative Office of the Courts, the Judicial Branch Facility Program, and the Habeas Corpus Resource Center. The Supreme Court, which reviews legal questions of statewide importance and appeals of all death penalty judgments, is the highest court in the state judicial system. The six District Courts of Appeal hear appeals in all areas of civil and criminal law. The Habeas Corpus Resource Center provides legal representation for defendants in death penalty habeas corpus proceedings in the Supreme Court and in the federal courts. The state provides local assistance funding to support the operations of California's 58 Superior Courts (Trial Courts).

The Governor's Budget proposes $3.7 billion ($2.3 billion General Fund) and 1,840.6 positions for the Judicial Branch, an increase of $196 million ($243.7 million General Fund) above the revised 2006-07 budget. Of this amount, $426.7 million ($353.5 million General Fund) is for the State Judiciary, and $3.3 billion ($1.9 billion General Fund) is for the Trial Courts. This increase is primarily attributable to:

  • The application of the annual growth factor adjustment to the budget of the Judicial Branch based on the year-over-year change in the State Appropriations Limit at a cost of $146.8 million General Fund. This includes $130.1 million for the Trial Courts, consistent with the statutory requirement, and $16.7 million for the State Judiciary, and acknowledges the need for the Judicial Branch, as a co-equal branch of government, to set its own priorities and manage its own day-to-day operations and budget.
  • An augmentation of $27.8 million General Fund in 2007-08 and $74.3 million in 2008-09 to add 100 new judgeships over a two-year period beginning in April 2008. This augmentation will increase access to the courts, address court backlogs, and provide more equitable justice throughout the state. The expenditure of these funds is restricted until legislation authorizing new judgeships is enacted.
  • An augmentation of $18.8 million General Fund to implement recently enacted legislation, including the Conservatorship and Guardianship Reform Act of 2006 ($17.4 million) and Court-Appointed Counsel for Children in Dependency Cases ($1.4 million). This augmentation will provide resources for the courts to conduct more investigations and hearings related to conservators and guardians and to appoint counsel in every judicial proceeding involving an abused or neglected child.
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CHAPTER HIGHLIGHTS for Legislative, Judicial, and Executive Back to Top

 Major Accomplishments in 2006-07
 Proposed Legislative, Judicial, and Executive Spending for 2007-08
 Program Enhancements and Other Budget Adjustments
 image of black pointing arrowJudicial Branch
  Office of the State Chief Information Officer
  Department of Justice
  Department of Insurance
  Board of Equalization
  Secretary of State

Budget Summary - Legislative, Judicial, and Executive (pdf * - 57K) -
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Proposed Budget Detail - Legislative, Judicial, and Executive
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