Program Enhancements and Other Budget Adjustments
Department of Finance
By statute, the Director of Finance serves as the Governor's chief fiscal policy advisor with emphasis on the financial integrity of the state and maintenance of a fiscally sound and responsible Administration. The objectives of the Department of Finance are: To prepare, present, and support the annual financial plan for the state, to assure responsible and responsive state resource allocation within resources available. To foster efficient and effective state structure, processes, programs, and performance, to ensure integrity in state fiscal databases and systems.
The Governor's Budget includes $84.4 million ($68.8 General Fund), which reflects an increase of $33 million ($31.6 General Fund) above the revised 2006-07 Budget.
For the state to operate like a business, it must be able to perform analysis and reporting at all levels in a timely manner. The state currently has too many different business systems that are aging out that cannot and do not provide the information needed to manage the state effectively. These systems severely restrict the state's ability to manage and report accurately on business operations and distribute resources in real time. State financial managers agree the state needs to modernize and standardize its office systems to efficiently manage the state's $294 billion enterprise. The "Next Generation" of business systems will combine business processes in a single system.
The state must also prepare its workforce to manage the state as a dynamic enterprise. These changes require a financial management system that integrates and automates diverse business practices and operations. As the technology is modernized, the workforce must be transformed. The project, known as the Financial Information System for California (FI$Cal), will be based on Enterprise Resource Planning (ERP) software. FI$Cal will become the required standard for all agencies and departments and will play a major role in succession planning for the changing financial management workforce.
The Governor's Budget includes $35.7 million and 225.8 positions in several departments to support the initial activities of the FI$Cal Project. A partnership of the Department of Finance, the State Controller's Office, the State Treasurer's Office, and the Department of General Services will prepare the state systems and workforce to function in a single statewide financial management system environment. This effort will ensure best business practices by rethinking and changing the state's business processes including the management of resources and dollars in the areas of budgeting, accounting, procurement, cash management, financial management, financial reporting, cost accounting, asset management, project accounting, grant management, and human resources management.
The Office of Technology Review, Oversight, and Security (OTROS) will be moving from the Department of Finance, with the project oversight and review function moving to the newly created Office of the Chief Information Officer (OCIO), and the remainder moving to the State and Consumer Services Agency. These moves are precipitated by the recent enactment of Chapter 533, Statutes of 2006, which created the OCIO. Twenty-six positions will be moving to the new Office of the Chief Information Officer to continue the project oversight and review activities that have previously been provided by the Department of Finance. By transferring these functions and the associated staff to the OCIO, the State Chief Information Office will be able to ensure that project-specific activities are coordinated with and reflect the policies and direction for the state's information technology development.
The remaining three positions from OTROS will be moving to the California Office of Information Security and Protection in the State and Consumer Services Agency. The California Office of Information Security and Protection will combine functions from the Department of Consumer Affairs and the Department of Finance in a single office under the direction of the State and Consumer Services Agency. Transferring the security activities to SCSA will provide the appropriate separation between the State CIO directing IT activities and the State Information Security Officer who will be focused on security issues, risk issues, and breaches.
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Proposed Budget Detail - General Government
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