General Government
Major Accomplishments in 2006-07
Initiatives implemented in 2006-07 and continued in the 2007-08 Budget include the following:
California Solar Initiative - On August 21, 2006, the Governor signed legislation (SB 1) to implement the Governor's Million Solar Roofs Initiative, which will make California a world leader for solar energy. SB 1, in combination with the California Solar Initiative adopted by the Public Utilities Commission (PUC) on January 12, 2006, will provide $3.4 billion in incentives for solar energy installations over the next 10 years. The goal of this program is to make solar energy a competitive alternative without the need for ongoing subsidies. Funding is sufficient to provide 3,000 megawatts of solar energy installations over the life of the program, which is the equivalent of six new natural gas power plants. Program subsidies begin at $2.50/watt and decline over the life of the program. The funding, which will be provided by the utilities, includes:
- $400 million to subsidize solar energy installations on new residential construction,
- $2.2 billion to provide rebates for solar energy projects on commercial and existing residential buildings, and
- $784 million for municipal utilities to fund similar solar energy programs.
Video Competition Act - The Digital Infrastructure and Video Competition Act of 2006 (AB 2987) appoints the PUC as the sole video franchising authority in the state. Prior to this legislation, a company seeking a new video franchise would have had to acquire a separate franchise from each local government entity where it wanted to provide service. Consequently, a cable or telephone company would have needed over 500 franchise agreements to provide service statewide. This cumbersome process slowed the deployment of advanced services to Californians. In streamlining the application process by establishing the PUC as the sole video franchising authority, AB 2987 will improve advanced services and lower prices through increased competition. Local governments receive franchise fees from video companies to whom they grant franchises, and AB 2987 does not affect this local government revenue source.
Military Youth Challenge Program - The 2006-07 Budget includes $3.9 million ($900,000 General Fund) for the Military to establish a second Youth Challenge Program to serve an additional 200 at-risk high school students who have dropped out or who are in danger of dropping out of school.
Private Vehicle Inspections - The 2006-07 Budget provides the Department of Food and Agriculture $380,000 General Fund and 4.8 positions for a one-year pilot project to inspect private vehicles at the Needles Inspection Station. The Department of Food and Agriculture collects data related to the frequency of private vehicles carrying pests into California.
Weed Management Areas Program - The 2006-07 Budget provides $1.5 million General Fund for Weed Management Areas to leverage local and federal funds for activities to control the spread and impact of invasive weeds.
High-Risk Pest Exclusion - The 2006-07 Budget provides $3 million General Fund for County Agricultural Commissioners for activities to detect and exclude new pests and diseases from California's agriculture and natural environment.
Veterans Benefits Outreach Programs - The 2006 Budget provides the Department of Veterans Affairs $250,000 General Fund and 0.9 positions for an outreach campaign to increase the number of veterans receiving compensation and pensions from the United States Department of Veterans' Affairs. This program helps educate California veterans on federal benefits they are entitled to receive. To increase the number of veterans receiving benefits, the Budget includes $250,000 for County Veterans' Services Offices for new and expanded outreach efforts and $50,000 to provide outreach and benefits training and materials to local Veterans Services Offices.
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Proposed Budget Detail - General Government
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