General Government
Proposed General Government Spending for 2007-08
Change Table GEN-01 illustrates the major changes proposed in General Government spending in the Governor's Budget.
Major workload adjustments for 2007-08 include the following:
- Military Funeral Honors - The Governor's Budget includes $1.8 million General Fund and 22.1 positions to provide the additional resources needed to meet the increased demand for military funeral honors ceremonies in California.
- Greater Los Angeles and Ventura Counties (GLAVC) Veterans Homes Construction and Start Up - The Governor's Budget includes $995,000 and 7.6 positions for support activities associated with the initial construction and pre-activation phases of the GLAVC project.
- Global Warming Solutions - The Budget proposes $1.3 million and 2.9 positions for the PUC greenhouse gas emissions reduction efforts. These resources will enable the PUC to conduct climate change proceedings to implement emission reduction strategies, evaluate various electric and natural gas sector greenhouse gas emission cap scenarios, and develop protocols to measure and verify actual emissions reductions.
- California Solar Initiative - The Budget proposes $2.5 million and 2.9 positions for the PUC to implement this initiative. This proposal will provide necessary staff for PUC proceedings, enable the PUC to develop a pricing structure that provides an incentive to generate solar energy during peak-demand hours, and fund an independent program evaluation.
- Video Competition Act - The Budget proposes $950,000 and 10.3 positions for the PUC to implement the Video Competition Act. These resources will enable the PUC to ensure that cable service is non-discriminatory, review applications and issue state franchises, and report annually to the Legislature.
- Transfer of Technology Oversight - The technology review function is being transferred from the Department of Finance to the newly created Office of Chief Information Officer.
The major policy adjustments included in the Budget are discussed in Program Enhancements and Other Budget Adjustments.
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Budget Summary - General Government (pdf * - 59K)
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Proposed Budget Detail - General Government
Displays Proposed Budget Detail information for General Government.