6870 Board of Governors of Community Colleges
Major Program Changes
- A decrease of $198.4 million Proposition 98 General Fund in 2016-17 as a result of increased offsetting local property tax revenues.
- An increase of $114.3 million Proposition 98 General Fund for 2-percent growth in full-time equivalent student enrollment.
- An increase of $75 million Proposition 98 General Fund to support increased community college operating expenses in areas such as employee benefits, facilities, professional development, converting faculty from part-time to full-time, and other general expenses.
- An increase of up to $31.7 million Proposition 98 General Fund in 2015-16, provided on a contingency basis, for an anticipated shortfall in redevelopment agency property taxes for community college apportionments. Any funds not needed to support the anticipated shortfall would become available for additional mandate debt payments.
- An increase of $200 million Proposition 98 General Fund to establish the Strong Workforce Program, which will enable community college districts to expand access to workforce-aligned and regionally coordinated career technical education courses and programs through the existing Career Technical Education Regional Consortium structure.
- A one-time increase of $48 million Proposition 98 General Fund to support the Career Technical Education Pathways Program. These funds provide resources for community colleges and high schools to develop, enhance, and expand career technical education programs that build upon existing regional capacity to meet regional labor market demands. Career Technical Education Pathways Program funding determinations will be aligned and integrated within the regional collaborations of the Strong Workforce Program.
- An increase of $30 million in one-time Proposition 98 General Fund to fund additional basic skills transformation grants in 2016-17. Commencing in 2017-18, these funds will be allocated as part of a revised Student Success for Basic Skills Students Program that focuses of implementing practices that increase students' transition to college-level courses.
- An increase of $25 million one-time Proposition 98 General Fund for innovation awards focusing on innovations in curriculum and instruction, assessment of prior learning and experiences, and access to financial aid.
- An increase of $15 million one-time Proposition 98 General Fund to provide California College Promise Innovation grants.
- An increase of $10 million Proposition 98 General Fund to support the Institutional Effectiveness Partnership Initiative.
- An increase of $20 million one-time Proposition 98 General Fund to expedite and enhance the adaptation and development of online courses that will be available through the online course exchange.
- An increase of $15 million Proposition 98 General Fund, of which $7 million is one-time, to address systemwide data security efforts and to expand broadband capacity across community college campuses.
- An increase of $5 million one-time Proposition 98 General Fund to support the Zero-Textbook-Cost Degree program, which will provide up to $200,000 per degree developed by colleges with the goal of reducing the cost of instructional materials for students.
- An increase of $14.7 million Proposition 98 General Fund to restore the Student Services for CalWORKs Recipients, Part-Time Faculty Office Hours, and Fund for Student Success categorical programs to pre-recession funding levels.
- An increase of $2.3 million Employment Opportunity Fund and $2 million Proposition 98 General Fund to promote equal employment opportunities in hiring and promotion at community college districts.
- An increase of $300,000 Proposition 98 General Fund for the Academic Senate of the California Community Colleges to develop, promote, and act upon policies in support of recent statewide community college programmatic efforts and initiatives focused on student success.
- An increase of $184.6 million in one-time Proposition 98 General Fund for deferred maintenance, instructional equipment, and specified water conservation projects.
- An increase of $105.5 million one-time Proposition 98 General Fund to pay for outstanding mandate debt on a per full-time equivalent student basis to reduce mandate debt while providing districts with discretionary one-time funding for investments in local priorities, including professional development, campus security, technology, and open education and zero-textbook-cost degrees.
- Proposition 39-The California Clean Energy Jobs Act was approved by voters in 2012 and increases state corporate tax revenues. For 2013-14 through 2017-18, the measure requires half of the increased revenues, up to $550 million per year, to be used to support energy efficiency projects. The Budget increases the amount of energy efficiency funds available to community colleges in 2016-17 by $10.5 million to $49.3 million to reflect increased revenue estimates.