6360 Commission on Teacher Credentialing
Program Descriptions
This program is responsibile for setting the standards for educator preparation and teaching performance in California to ensure a quality teaching workforce for California's K-12 students.
The Certification Division is responsible for evaluating and processing approximately 203,000 applications annually for credentials, permits, certificates, and waivers for authorization to serve in California's public schools. The Division serves as the primary point of contact for the Commission, providing information to credential applicants and holders and credential personnel at the college, university, county, and school district level regarding specific requirements for the licenses issued.
The Professional Services Division is responsible for the development of licensure standards for all credential areas, aligned with the adopted K-12 academic content standards; the development and implementation of licensing examinations, including the teaching performance assessment, as required in the Education Code; and supports the Commission with analysis and development of policy. The Division supports the Committee on Accreditation, a statutory body that is charged with implementing the Commission's accreditation system to monitor the quality of all educator preparation programs. The accreditation system involves educators in the evaluation of program quality through biennial reports, program review and site visit activities. Related activities include initial program approval, data collection, reporting, and policy research. It is also responsible for monitoring certificated assignments in collaboration with county offices of education.
The Division of Professional Practices is responsible for the discipline of credential applicants and holders, and provides legal advice to the Commission, the Committee of Credentials and the Commission's management team. The Division supports the Committee of Credentials, a statutory body that is responsible for investigations of alleged misconduct against credential holders and applicants. The investigations generally begin based upon reports from employing school districts, on misconduct disclosed on an application, and criminal convictions.