6360 Commission on Teacher Credentialing
Major Program Changes
- An increase of $10 million one-time non-Proposition 98 General Fund for the Integrated Teacher Preparation Grant Program to provide competitive grants to colleges and universities to develop or improve four-year integrated teacher credential programs enabling credential candidates to receive both a teaching credential and a bachelor's degree.
- An increase of $20 million one-time Proposition 98 General Fund to establish the California Classified School Employees Credentialing Program, and provide grants to K-12 local educational agencies to support recruitment of non-certificated school employees to participate in a teacher preparation program and become certificated classroom teachers in California public schools.
- An increase of $5 million one-time Proposition 98 General Fund for a multi-year competitive grant to a local educational agency to establish and operate the California Center on Teaching Careers to recruit qualified and capable individuals to the teaching profession.