6100 Department of Education
Major Program Changes
- An increase of $2.9 billion Proposition 98 General Fund for continued implementation of the Local Control Funding Formula.
- An increase of $200 million one-time Proposition 98 General Fund for grants to school districts and charter schools serving high school students to provide additional services that support access and successful transition to higher education.
- An increase of $24 million one-time Proposition 98 General Fund for the California Collaborative for Educational Excellence.
- An increase of $20 million one-time Proposition 98 General Fund to support operational startup costs for new charter schools.
- An increase of $20 million one-time Proposition 98 General Fund to allow local educational agencies to provide services that assist and encourage multi-tiered systems of supports.
- An increase of $18 million one-time Proposition 98 General Fund for truancy and dropout prevention grants, consistent with Proposition 47, the Safe Neighborhoods and School Act.
- An increase of $9.5 million one-time Proposition 98 General Fund to create a grant program to improve access to safe drinking water for schools located in isolated and economically disadvantaged areas. The program will be developed and administered by the Water Resources Control Board in consultation with the State Department of Education.
- An increase of $1.3 billion one-time Proposition 98 General Fund to reimburse K-12 local educational agencies for the costs of state-mandated programs as well as provide discretionary funding for local needs and priorities.
- An increase of $67.6 million General Fund ($43.7 million Proposition 98, $23.9 million non-Proposition 98) to provide a 10-percent increase to the reimbursement rate for State Preschool and other direct contracted child care and development providers.
- An increase of $69.9 million General Fund to increase the maximum reimbursement ceiling for voucher based child care providers and to increase the rate for license exempt providers.
- An increase of $7.8 million Proposition 98 to provide access to full day State Preschool for an additional 2,959 children.