3960 Department of Toxic Substances Control
Program Descriptions
The Hazardous Waste Management program regulates the generation, storage, transportation, treatment, and disposal of hazardous waste to minimize risks to public health and the environment. The program oversees permitting and compliance at 119 authorized facilities that manage hazardous waste, approximately 900 registered businesses that transport hazardous waste, and approximately 300 facilities/generators that are subject to corrective actions. Additionally, the program manages approximately $2.2 billion in financial assurance resources, and supports and oversees local agencies implementing the hazardous waste elements of the Unified Program.
The program monitors hazardous waste transfer, storage, treatment, and disposal facilities for illegal activity, including electronic manifest surveillance and monitoring of registered hazardous waste transporters; enforcement of hazardous waste requirement violations found through routine inspections; complaint intake, triage, and investigations; and other focused enforcement initiatives. The program also ensures compliance with hazardous waste requirements related to electronic waste and used oil.