3940 State Water Resources Control Board
Major Program Changes
- Emergency Drought Response - An increase of $5.4 million General Fund and $16 million Cleanup and Abatement Account for the State Water Resources Control Board to continue enforcement of drought related water rights and water curtailment actions and provide grants for emergency drinking water projects.
- Drought Preparedness and Resiliency for Urban Water Agencies - An increase of $4.5 million General Fund for a coordinated effort by the Department of Water Resources and the State Water Resources Control Board to review and update local water shortage contingency plans, develop recommendations for new water use efficiency targets, and establish a permanent urban water use efficiency data tracking system necessary to accomplish the directives of the Governor's May 9, 2016 Emergency Drought Executive Order.
- Drinking Water in Schools - An increase of $500,000 General Fund for the Water Board to contract with non-profit organizations to provide assistance to schools in disadvantaged communities applying for and implementing grants for drinking water improvement projects. The Budget also includes $9.5 million Proposition 98 General Fund for the Water Board to establish this grant program. For additional information, see the K-12 Education Chapter.
- Improved Monitoring and Reporting of Drinking Water - An increase of $1.3 million Safe Drinking Water Account and eight positions for the Water Board to (1) prepare guidance documents and engage in outreach to schools to assist local efforts for water quality testing, and (2) support public water systems in improving compliance with federal reporting requirements.