2240 Dept of Housing, Community Development
Major Program Changes
- "By Right" Approval Process - The Budget sets aside $400 million General Fund for affordable housing programs, the expenditure of which is contingent upon the passage of a "by right" approval process for affordable housing. Under a "by right" process, a local government could not require a conditional use permit, planned unit development permit, or other discretionary local government review for qualifying affordable housing projects. "By right" approval applies to projects that are consistent with objective general plan and zoning standards and, where applicable, are subject to mitigating measures to address potential environmental harm.
- No Place Like Home - The Budget includes the programmatic provisions for the No Place Like Home program, which addresses homelessness for individuals with mental health needs through the provision of permanent supportive housing. The Department of Housing and Community Development (HCD) will develop and administer a competitive $1.8 billion program and a non-competitive $200 million program to finance the construction, rehabilitation, or preservation of permanent supportive housing units for individuals with mental health supportive needs who are homeless, chronically homeless, or at risk of chronic homelessness. The financing mechanism--a $2 billion bond secured by a portion of future Proposition 63 mental health revenues--will require additional legislation, and the budget includes first-year funding of $267 million, contingent upon enactment of that legislation.
- Emergency Solutions Grants - The Budget includes $45 million to fund activities eligible under the Federal Emergency Solutions Grant Program, including rapidly rehousing individuals and families, preventing families and individuals from becoming homeless, engaging homeless individuals and families living on the street, operating homeless shelters, and providing essential services to shelter residents.