0977 Health Facilities Financing Authority
Major Program Changes
- Community Infrastructure Grants - The Budget includes $67.5 million General Fund for one-time community infrastructure grants to promote public safety diversion programs and services by increasing the number of mental health, substance use disorder, and trauma-related services facilities. Grants will be awarded by the California Health Facilities Financing Authority (CHFFA) on a competitive basis to cities and/or counties. The grants will aim to expand local resources for facility acquisition or renovation, equipment purchases, and applicable program startup or expansion costs to increase the availability of these programs.
- Children's Mental Health Crisis - The Budget includes $30 million ($16 million General Fund) on a one-time basis for grant programs at CHFFA and the Mental Health Services Oversight and Accountability Commission. The CHFFA grants will be awarded to local governments and are intended to increase the number of facilities providing a continuum of crisis services. Grants provided by the Commission will fund supports and training for families as well as triage personnel serving children and youth under the age of 21.