0650 Office of Planning and Research
Program Descriptions
The major activities of OPR include: (1) recommending and implementing state policies on land-use and growth planning, including General Plan Guidelines; (2) coordinating the implementation of the California Environmental Quality Act, including: (a) operating the State Clearinghouse; (b) maintaining an online database for the electronic submission and archiving of CEQA documents; (c) developing CEQA guidelines; (d) providing technical assistance; (e) streamlining permitting; and (f) providing training; (3) supporting the Governor's Advisor for Military Affairs and Governor's Military Council; (4) providing policy research for the Governor and Cabinet; (5) providing technical advice to, and develop guidelines for, local governments on land use planning and compliance with environmental statutes and regulations; (6) developing a program to coordinate regional and local efforts with state climate adaptation strategies on the impacts of climate change ; (7) supporting drought response efforts; (8) supporting development of state plans including, but not limited to, the Water Action Plan work, State Multi-Hazard Mitigation Plan, Safeguarding California Plan, the Integrated Energy Policy Report, and the 5-Year Infrastructure Plan; (9) supporting multiple efforts to address climate change and response to carbon pollution; and (10) conducting other activities as the Governor may direct.