Effective July 1, 2015, this item will be eliminated and the appropriation authority transferred to the California Highway Patrol (Org 2720). Future adjustments for prefunding health and dental benefits will be made directly through department appropriations. Information regarding prefunding trust assets can be found in the Fund Condition Statement for the Annuitants' Health Care Coverage Fund displayed in the Public Employees' Retirement System (Org 7900).
PROGRAMSBack to Top The following table presents total proposed budget year positions and expenditures for each budgeted program area. These expenditures include all funding sources that support the state agency's programs.
Prefunding Health and Dental Benefits
Totals, Positions and Expenditures (excluding Infrastructure)
Infrastructure Expenditures
Totals, Positions and All Expenditures
Refer to the 3-Yr Expenditures & Positions for expenditures, positions, and funding detail. PRINTABLE BUDGET DOCUMENTSBack to Top The following identifies budget documents for this state agency that are available in a printable (pdf) format.
Entire Prefunding Hlth-Dental Bens Annuitants Budget (pdf * - 7K) in pdf format.
This document provides a printable format (pdf) of all budget information for this state agency.
Note: Along with other information, this document includes the documents listed below.