6420 Postsecondary Education Commission
Program Descriptions
10 - The Commission has organized its staff into three broad units to carry out its responsibilities: Executive, Policy and Federal Programs, and Information Systems.
Under general policies established by the Commission, the Executive Unit provides leadership to staff in the long-range planning and coordinating efforts of the Commission, and advises the Governor, the Legislature, and other state agencies concerning policies and funding priorities for postsecondary education. The Executive Director works closely with the voluntarily-created Education Roundtable and a Statutory Advisory Committee established pursuant to Section 66901 of the Education Code. The governmental relations activities of the Executive are the primary means by which the Commission establishes and maintains liaison with the Legislature, the Legislative Analyst's Office, the Governor's Office, and the Department of Finance. Major activities include reviewing, monitoring, and providing summaries of all legislation and budget proposals related to postsecondary education in California, as well as providing direct testimony to appropriate legislative committees. The Executive Office also manages the Commission's administrative services of accounting, business services, and personnel functions.
The Policy and Federal Programs Unit is responsible for policy analyses and evaluation activities. It also is responsible for program and facilities review, fiscal and policy analysis, and for carrying out many of the Commission's specific charges delineated in Sections 66903 and 66904 of the Education Code. This unit also has primary responsibility for preparing responses to legislative or gubernatorial requests for information on postsecondary education pursuant to Section 66902 of the Education Code. The Federal Programs component of the unit is responsible for the administration of the federally-funded Improving Teacher Quality Grant Program. The unit is also responsible for the oversight of its agenda production.
The Information Systems Unit is responsible for the collection of data and maintenance of a comprehensive data system on postsecondary education. The unit provides general support services to the public and to Commission staff. This unit coordinates the annual collection of data for the Integrated Postsecondary Education Data System survey by the National Center for Educational Statistics and maintains historical data on the enrollment characteristics and degrees awarded to students in all public, and many independent, colleges and universities. The Commission's database provides the foundation for its policy analyses, annual publication of data abstracts on various postsecondary education outcomes, and research by members of the education and public policy communities.