6110 Department of Education
Program Descriptions
Instructional Support provides resources to complement the Instruction Program. The following elements are included in this program:
20.10 - Curriculum Services: Provides materials and resources for curriculum planning and development in language arts, mathematics, science, history-social science, foreign language, visual and performing arts, health, nutrition, safety, physical education, and environmental/energy education. Provides funding for the use of educational technology in schools, Safe and Drug Free Schools, and Rural and Low Income Schools Grants.
20.20 - Instructional Materials Management and Distribution: Assists in the development of curriculum frameworks and evaluation and distribution of instructional materials, including electronic resources. This element includes the Clearinghouse for Specialized Media and Technology.
20.30 - Administrative Services to Local Educational Agencies: Provides leadership, guidance, and technical expertise to schools to manage and improve operations, more efficiently use scarce resources, and publish specified documents.
20.40 - Supplementary Program Services: Identifies, develops, and disseminates innovative and exemplary programs and practices to schools and aids in the development of alternative educational options. Examples include Independent Study, Library Services, Foster Youth Services, Alternative Educational Programs/Opportunity School Incentives, and Specialized Secondary Programs.
20.60 - Improving School Effectiveness: Improves educational quality through: School Safety, Community Day Schools, Charter Schools, Administrator Training, Family-School Partnerships, Teacher Credentialing Block Grant, Bilingual Teacher Training, Readers for Blind Teachers, Teaching Improvement, High Priority Schools Grant Program, Learn and Serve America Program, Alternative Schools Accountability, Title V Innovative Programs, Title I Reading First, Title II Math and Science Partnership Grants, and Teacher and Principal Training.
20.70 - Assessments: Includes the Standardized Testing and Reporting (STAR) Program, which provides funding to districts for assessments in grades 2 through 11, the High School Exit Exam, the English Language Development Test, and Advanced Placement Test Fee Waivers.