6110 Department of Education
Program Descriptions
This program provides direct educational services to children and adults in the state's public elementary and secondary school system. The following elements are included in this program:
10.10 - School Apportionments: Supplements local resources to fund general education programs.
10.25 - Class Size Reduction and Language Arts Enrichment: Provides incentive funding for school districts to implement class size reduction programs in kindergarten and grades 1-3 and 9.
10.30 - Other Compensatory Programs: Includes Migrant Education, California Indian Education Centers, Education for Homeless Children, Federal Title I, and Economic Impact Aid.
10.40 - Special Programs for English Learners: Addresses the needs of English learners through direct local assistance to school districts.
10.50 - Adult Education: Provides citizenship training and education to improve literacy skills, employability, and parenting abilities to adults served by public high school and unified districts. Adult education programs also meet the special needs of the disabled, older persons, and non-limited-English speaking adults.
10.60 - Special Education Programs for Exceptional Children: Provides special education services. Under state law and the federal Individuals with Disabilities Education Act (20 USC 1400 et seq.), individuals with exceptional needs are entitled to a free, appropriate public education. Students requiring special education are served either by local educational agencies using state, federal, and local property tax funds or by the State Special Schools operated by the Department of Education. The Special Schools (three centers for diagnostic services, two residential schools for the deaf and one residential school for the blind) provide highly specialized services including educational assessments and individual educational recommendations and a comprehensive residential and nonresidential educational program composed of academic, nonacademic and extracurricular activities.
10.70 - Vocational Education: Offers a sequence of courses that provide the academic knowledge and skills needed to prepare for further education and careers in current or emerging employment sectors. Programs include School-to-Career, Partnership Academies, Agricultural Education, and Carl D. Perkins Vocational and Applied Technology Education.
10.80 - Special Instructional Programs: Includes Gifted and Talented Education, and university and college opportunity programs.