5225 Corrections and Rehabilitation
Program Descriptions
Adult Rehabilitative Programs is responsible for the design and operation of programs that enable offenders to successfully reenter society by addressing the deficits that led them to criminal behavior. There are two primary branches within Adult Programs, the Division of Adult Rehabilitative Programs and the Office of Rehabilitative Program Planning and Accountability.
Within the Division of Adult Rehabilitative Programs, there are three offices: the Office of Correctional Education, the Office of Substance Abuse Treatment Services and the Office of Community Partnerships. The primary objective of the Office of Correctional Education is to improve literacy, General Education Development (GED), and vocational certifications while maximizing inmate participation in education. Departmental educational and vocational programs provide inmates with an opportunity for self-improvement through acquiring basic education and career training.
The primary objective of the Office of Substance Abuse Treatment Services (formerly Division of Addiction and Recovery Services) is to plan, develop, implement and monitor addiction and recovery services within the CDCR. The program's goal is to reduce recidivism and relapse and to promote pro-social behavior and successful reintegration of the offender. These programs include, but are not limited to, the In-Custody Substance Abuse Programs, Residential Aftercare Programs, the Female Offender Treatment Employment Program, the Parolee Substance Abuse Program, the Parolee Services Network, and the Community-Based In-Custody Drug Treatment Program.
The primary objective of the Office of Community Partnerships is to develop meaningful collaborations and processes to promote shared responsibility for improving recidivism and community safety by establishing and expanding collaborative relationships with key stakeholders. These stakeholders include local law enforcement, local governments, faith-based and community organizations, and academic institutions. The Office is also charged with managing the following programs: Self-Help and Volunteer Programming, Inmate Visitors Center, grants for faith-based and community organizations, and local government partnerships. The Office also manages employment programs, such as the federal Prisoner Reentry Initiative and California New Start.
The Office of Rehabilitative Program Planning and Accountability is responsible for coordinating the assessment and case management processes which are designed to ensure that inmates are assigned to programming based on their criminogenic needs and risk to recidivate. This office performs fidelity and quality assurance reviews, coordinates curriculum development and staff training, and tracks program-based offender data and performance management.