5225 Corrections and Rehabilitation
Program Descriptions
The Corrections Standards Authority (CSA) provides leadership in the development of programs and program planning efforts that focus on local juvenile and adult correctional effectiveness, administer federal and state grants that support the collaborative planning efforts, provide technical assistance and training in planning and program implementation, and conduct research and evaluations. This program sets minimum standards and assists local agencies in meeting these standards for juvenile and adult detention facilities, administers grant funds to maximize the protection of the public while assuring safety of detention staff and offenders in local custody, and is responsible for administering the Compliance Monitoring Program.
The CSA works with local corrections officials to ensure that when they perform complex tasks they engage the local corrections community in the establishment of minimum standards for personnel selection and training. The CSA is designated by the federal Department of Justice, Office of Juvenile Justice and Delinquency Prevention, as the responsible state planning agency to administer federal juvenile justice and delinquency prevention funds designated for California. CSA administers state grant programs such as the Youthful Offender Block Grant, Juvenile Justice Crime Prevention Act program, and Probation Camps program.
Within state corrections, the CSA develops and approves minimum selection and training standards for 47 state correctional peace officer classifications. The CSA also monitors departmental compliance with these standards.
The CSA also collaborates with state and local government agencies to administer state lease revenue funding awards authorized for county facility construction projects for the purpose of enhancing public safety and conditions of confinement.