4280 Managed Risk Medical Insurance Board
Major Program Changes
- Reduce Healthy Families Program Eligibility - The Governor's Budget proposes a 2010-11 savings of $63.9 million General Fund by reducing eligibility for the Healthy Families Program from 250 percent to 200 percent of the federal poverty level. This proposal would take effect May 1, 2010 after appropriate provider and beneficiary notification.
- Reduce Healthy Families Program Benefits and Increase Premiums - As a General Fund savings measure of $21.7 million, the Governor's Budget proposes the elimination of vision coverage as a benefit of the Healthy Families Program. In addition, monthly premiums for families with incomes from 151 percent to 200 percent of the federal poverty level would be increased by $14 per child ($42 maximum per family with 3 or more children). These proposals would take effect July 1, 2010 after appropriate provider and beneficiary notification.