3360 Energy Resource Conservation/Dvlmt Comm
Program Descriptions
The Development Program conducts research, development, demonstration, commercialization, and deployment activities on energy efficiency, renewable and advanced energy technologies, and alternative and renewable fuel and advanced vehicle technologies to ensure that future energy supplies are cost effective, secure and reliable, enhance environmental quality, and promote state and local economic development. The program provides technical assistance, financial assistance, direct technology research and demonstration, technology forecasting, technology analysis and evaluation, and information transfer. The program also helps energy technology companies export their technologies, products, and services to international markets and helps California companies develop international energy projects.
30.20 - Transportation Technology and Fuels: This program provides analyses and recommendations that guide state energy policy and legislation to achieve climate change objectives, reduce petroleum consumption, and promote economic development. The program provides financial incentives for alternative and renewable fuels and advanced vehicles, alternative fuel infrastructure, and workforce training. The program monitors, analyzes, and reports on transportation fuel supply and production, fuel infrastructure issues, transportation fuel demand trends, and responds to energy and fuel shortages and emergencies. The program assists local and regional agencies reduce energy-related greenhouse gas emissions through land use planning and community design, provides support to the Governor's border energy commitments, and facilitates international trade missions and delegation visits.
30.30 - Research and Development: This program supports energy research and development projects not adequately addressed by competitive and regulated markets. The program's goal is to develop, and help bring to market, energy technologies that provide increased environmental benefits, greater system reliability, and lower energy costs, and that provide benefits to California citizens through investments in research and development of advanced electricity generation and transportation technologies, energy efficiency, and technologies that reduce or eliminate consumption of water and other finite resources, increase use of renewable energy resources, or improve energy transmission or distribution.
30.40 - Technology Evaluation: This program fosters the growth of the renewable energy market by providing production-based incentives and rebates to purchasers of renewable products, tracking and verifying renewable energy transactions, and educating the public about renewable energy.