3340 California Conservation Corps
Program Descriptions
This Program focuses on four areas:
- Natural Resource Work: Corpsmembers protect and enhance the state's natural resources through landscaping, park development, trail construction, tree-planting, fire hazard reduction, energy auditing and retrofitting, irrigation system installation, watershed improvement, wildlife habitat enhancement, removal of nonnative vegetation, fence construction and meadow restoration.
- Emergency Response: Corpsmembers are dispatched to fires, assisting with initial attack, mop-up and logistical support; floods, filling sandbags, reinforcing levees and stabilizing hillsides; earthquakes, removing hazards and staffing disaster assistance centers; oil spill clean up; snow removal; search-and-rescues; pest infestation eradication; and homeland security assistance.
- Corpsmember Education: Corpsmembers are provided opportunities to advance their academic skills while in the CCC through local adult and charter schools, and community colleges.
- Corpsmember Development and Training: The CCC stresses both work and service ethic, which includes teamwork, self-discipline, leadership, and giving back to California. Corpsmembers learn conservation principles and career planning. The CCC also offers training in landscaping, first aid, and firefighting certification, which can lead to internship opportunities with various employers in California.