0974 Pollution Control Financing Authority
Program Descriptions
The objective of this program is to provide bond financing to California businesses, irrespective of company size, for the acquisition, construction, or installation of qualified pollution control, waste disposal, waste recovery facilities, and the acquisition and installation of new equipment. California Pollution Control Financing Authority (CPCFA) financing assists municipalities in complying with waste diversion mandates of the California Integrated Waste Management Act of 1989. As of June 30, 2009, bonds totaling $12.2 billion have been issued by the CPCFA for pollution control projects.
The objective of this program is to encourage banks and other financial institutions to make loans to small businesses that fall just outside of conventional underwriting standards. California Capital Access Program for Small Businesses (CalCAP) is a form of loan portfolio insurance that may provide up to 100% coverage on certain loan defaults. By participating in CalCAP, lenders have available to them a proven financing mechanism to meet the financing needs of California's small businesses. The strength of CalCAP rests in its simplicity and its leverage of state funds. The program works through the creation of a loan loss-reserve fund for each participating financial institution. The CPCFA funds this reserve together with the financial institution and the borrower. The reserve serves to reduce loan-loss risk, allowing banks to lend to targeted California small businesses. Additional incentives are provided to lend to businesses located in state-designated Enterprise Zones. CalCAP has partnered with the Air Resources Board to assist diesel truck and equipment owners in meeting new clean air requirements. CalCAP has partnered with the Integrated Waste Management Board to assist recycling related businesses.
This program assists with the reuse and redevelopment of underutilized properties with real or perceived contamination issues (brownfields). California Recycle Underutilized Sites Program (CALReUSE) addresses a funding and information gap in the development of brownfields to help bring these properties into productive reuse. The CPCFA works with selected strategic partners to administer the program and select projects throughout the state. The CALReUSE Assessment Program provides forgivable loans of up to $300,000 per brownfield site, or $500,000 for sites that will ultimately result in housing. The funds assist with brownfield site assessment and characterization, technical assistance, remedial action plans and site access. Eligible projects include sites with potential beneficial reuse not currently redeveloped due to lack of information about real or perceived contamination, uncertainty about clean up costs, or concerns regarding time frames and the regulatory process. Priority is given to projects located in distressed neighborhoods with demonstrated community support. Additionally, Proposition 1C, The Housing and Emergency Shelter Trust Fund Act of 2006, included provisions to fund brownfield cleanup that resulted in the expansion of CALReUSE. The CALReUSE Remediation Program provides up to $5 million in loans and grants for the purpose of brownfield cleanup that promotes infill residential and mixed-used development, consistent with regional and local land use plans.
The objective of this program is to assist cities and counties to develop and implement sustainable development growth policies, programs, and projects. Sustainable Communities Grant and Loan Program has funded specific plans, portions of specific plans, alternative transportation studies, finance plans, redevelopment plans, engineering studies, public projects, and other projects that promote sustainable development principles.