0840 State Controller
Program Descriptions
The Accounting and Reporting Division maintains uniform and systematic control accounts of all receipts, payments, state fund balances, and bonded indebtedness; reports the financial condition of the state; maintains a database of information and reports on local financial transactions; apportions shared revenues to local governments; administers local mandated cost programs; monitors the cash flow of the General Fund; prescribes uniform accounting procedures for counties and special districts; administers and collects estate and inheritance taxes; collects delinquent insurance and motor vehicle fuel taxes and petroleum and gas assessments; services and collects loans formerly serviced by the Technology, Trade and Commerce Agency (abolished January 1, 2004); refunds gasoline taxes paid on fuel consumed for off-highway purposes; instructs and advises county tax collectors; administers the Property Tax Postponement Program for senior and disabled citizens; administers the statewide discharge from accountability program in conjunction with the California Victim Compensation and Government Claims Board; and reviews requests from state and local agencies to participate in the State's Interagency Intercept Program operated by the Franchise Tax Board (intercept of tax refunds or state lottery prizes).