0820 Department of Justice
Program Descriptions
The Division of California Justice Information Services provides criminal justice intelligence, information, and identification services to law enforcement, regulatory agencies, and the public. Five major functional areas carry out these primary services. The Bureau of Criminal Identification & Investigative Services (BCIIS) consolidates the identification, investigative, and field services functions providing information and technical assistance on manual and automated systems including the fingerprint identification system and the violent crime information system. The Bureau of Criminal Information and Analysis consolidates the functions related to the authorization, release, and use of criminal offender record information (CORI) for law enforcement investigatory and regulatory purposes. The Hawkins Data Center operates the Criminal Justice Information System and the California Law Enforcement Telecommunications System (CLETS). The Office of the Chief Information Officer (CIO) includes the Project Office, Network Information Security Unit (NISU), and the Technology Oversight Office. The Operations Support Program provides business resumption planning and administrative support and oversight.