0820 Department of Justice
Major Program Changes
- Convert Legal Services Clients to Billable Status-The Budget includes a reduction of $53.9 million General Fund and an augmentation of $48.2 million Legal Services Revolving Fund for the Department of Justice (DOJ) to reflect the conversion of General Fund legal services clients to billable status. This funding will be allocated to departmental clients using a new Budget Act Control Section.
- Forensic Laboratory Fund Shift-The Budget includes a reduction of $45.1 million General Fund and an augmentation of $45.1 million DNA Identification Fund to shift support of DOJ's regional forensic labs to penalty assessments, including lease revenue debt service costs.
- Gun Show Program-The Budget includes an augmentation of $801,000 Dealers' Record of Sale on an ongoing basis to aid in the prevention of sales of illegal firearms and ammunition at gun shows around the state. Of this amount, $616,000 was previously funded by the General Fund.