Program Enhancements and Other Budget Adjustments
Prison Medical Care Receiver
The May Revision proposes an augmentation of $8.6 million General Fund in 2008-09 to ensure that the Receiver appointed by the court in the Plata lawsuit is able to improve the delivery of medical care to inmates. Specifically, the May Revision includes the following adjustments:
- An augmentation of $12.5 million to establish additional Supervising Registered Nurse II positions to improve nursing care.
- A reduction of $3.9 million to correct a technical error in the Receiver's Health Care Guarding and Transportation proposal. These resources will provide inmates access to higher levels of care and specialty care outside the institution.
In addition, the Receiver has completed his draft Strategic Plan for the delivery of medical care to inmates. The Receiver has determined that new facilities for medical and mental health care to serve up to 10,000 inmates statewide are required. The Receiver anticipates supervising construction of facilities for his health care expansion program at up to seven sites serving up to 1,500 inmates at each site. Furthermore, the Receiver has determined that it is necessary to upgrade administrative and clinical facilities to provide inmates with appropriate access to health care at each of the CDCR's institutions.
To provide the full authority and funding for these projects, the Administration has withdrawn the trailer bill language included in the Governor's Budget and supports the Reciever's urgency legislation. Because not all of the planned renovations will be able to be financed with lease revenue bonds, $100 million General Fund is necessary to ensure all facilities can be completed as the Receiver plans.
In summary, this proposed legislation would do the following:
- Appropriate $6 billion in lease revenue bond authority for projects proposed by the Receiver, for and on behalf of CDCR, including the design and construction of health related facilities and housing for up to 10,000 inmates with medical or mental health care needs, and supporting infrastructure and ancillary facilities, at existing state correctional facilities statewide or at other appropriate state-owned real property. Of this $6 billion (Public Buildings Construction Fund), it is estimated $2.5 billion would be expended in fiscal year 2008-09.
- Appropriate $100 million General Fund and $900 million lease revenue bond authority to be used by the Receiver, for and on behalf of CDCR, to design and construct health care facility improvements at existing prison facilities statewide. Of the $100 million General Fund and $900 million Public Buildings Construction Fund, it is estimated that $50 million and $450 million, respectively, would be expended in fiscal year 2008-09.
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Revised Budget Summary - Corrections and Rehabilitation (pdf * - 64K)
- Provides the entire Corrections and Rehabilitation Chapter in pdf format.
Revised Budget Detail - Corrections and Rehabilitation
Displays Revised Budget Detail information for Corrections and Rehabilitation.
Proposed Budget Summary - Corrections and Rehabilitation (January 2008)
Displays Proposed Budget Summary information for Corrections and Rehabilitation.