Corrections and Rehabilitation
Update to Budget-Balancing Reductions
The Governor's Budget reflected savings of $17.9 million General Fund in 2007-08 and $354.3 million in 2008-09 related to Budget-Balancing Reductions for the CDCR. Savings estimates in the Governor's Budget assumed that the proposals would be adopted in the special session and would be implemented by March 1, 2008.
The May Revision includes total savings of $173.6 million for the Summary Parole proposal, which is an increase $75.7 million compared to the Governor's Budget.
The net increase in savings is due to $110 million in corresponding operational and programmatic savings which were not previously identified, offset by a $34 million erosion related to the change in implementation dates, the revised population impact associated with the spring projections, and the shift of implementation costs from 2007-08 to 2008-09.
The majority of the corresponding savings results from the need for the Department to reconfigure many of the programs that serve its parolee population, the reduced need to provide funding to reimburse local governments for the cost of housing detained and revoked parolees, and projected reductions in Board of Parole Hearings workload.
The decrease in institutional ADP associated with Summary Parole in 2008-09 decreases from 6,249 to 4,774, a reduction of 1,475. This ADP grows to 7,800 in 2009-10. The decrease in parolee ADP associated with Summary Parole in 2008-09 decreases from 18,522 to 13,517, a reduction of 5,005. This ADP grows to 22,448 in 2009-10.
Given the effectiveness of parole reforms and rehabilitative efforts to date and the associated savings resulting from the decrease in the inmate population compared to the fall projection, as well as other proposed savings in the CDCR budget, the May Revision Budget achieves approximately $300 million in CDCR savings without releasing any inmates prior to their anticipated release date.
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Revised Budget Summary - Corrections and Rehabilitation (pdf * - 64K)
- Provides the entire Corrections and Rehabilitation Chapter in pdf format.
Revised Budget Detail - Corrections and Rehabilitation
Displays Revised Budget Detail information for Corrections and Rehabilitation.
Proposed Budget Summary - Corrections and Rehabilitation (January 2008)
Displays Proposed Budget Summary information for Corrections and Rehabilitation.