Program Enhancements and Other Budget Adjustments
Adult Inmate/Parolee Population/Caseload Changes

As a result of successful implementation of parole reforms, increased access to rehabilitation services, implementation of SB 1453, and a decline in new admissions, the institutional Average Daily Population (ADP) is projected to decrease by 2,107 in 2007-08 compared to the Governor's Budget. The May Revision reflects an estimated institutional ADP of 171,886 inmates for the current year.

The projected parolee ADP is 126,456 for the current year. Parole reforms have contributed to a decrease of 2,887 in the parolee population from the level projected in the Governor's Budget.

The net effect of these population changes is a decrease to the General Fund of $27.9 million and a decrease of $340,000 to the Inmate Welfare Fund.

The May Revision also reflects an estimated institutional ADP of 170,641 inmates for the budget year, a decrease of 6,380 from the level projected in the Governor's Budget.

The projected parolee ADP is 122,872 for the budget year. This is a decrease of 10,189 from the level projected in the Governor's Budget. The parole population is expected to continue to decrease due to the effectiveness of parole reforms.

The population changes will reduce costs to the General Fund by $78.2 million and reduce costs to the Inmate Welfare Fund by $1.5 million.

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CHAPTER HIGHLIGHTS for Corrections and Rehabilitation Back to Top

 Program Enhancements and Other Budget Adjustments
  Northern California Re-entry Facility
 image of black pointing arrowAdult Inmate/Parolee Population/Caseload Changes
  Ward/Parolee Population/Caseload Changes
  Prison Medical Care Receiver
  Juvenile Probation Funding
 Update to Budget-Balancing Reductions

Revised Budget Summary - Corrections and Rehabilitation (pdf * - 64K) -
Provides the entire Corrections and Rehabilitation Chapter in pdf format.

Revised Budget Detail - Corrections and Rehabilitation
Displays Revised Budget Detail information for Corrections and Rehabilitation.

Proposed Budget Summary - Corrections and Rehabilitation (January 2008)
Displays Proposed Budget Summary information for Corrections and Rehabilitation.