Higher Education
Student Aid Commission
The Budget provides total funding from all sources of $899.6 million, an increase of $26.3 million or 3 percent above the revised 2007-08 level. This funding includes $837.5 million General Fund, reflecting a reduction of $5.4 million or 0.6 percent below the revised 2007-08 level. The Budget includes the following significant adjustments for the Student Aid Commission:
- $30.2 million in savings in the CalGrant and APLE programs.
- $157,000 increase to the Commission's state operations budget reflecting standard baseline adjustments.
The budget includes the following General Fund and other local assistance adjustments:
- $26.7 million increase over the revised 2007-08 level for anticipated growth in the CalGrant Program, reflecting the undergraduate fee increases of 7.4 percent and 10 percent at UC and CSU, respectively.
- $24 million one-time savings by shifting a portion of CalGrant costs to the Student Loan Operating Fund.
- $6.3 million savings by shifting the cost of the Commission's financial aid awareness program known as CalSOAP from the General Fund to a new Federal Access Challenge Grant. Total Funding for CalSOAP is $7.3 million which includes a $1 million increase for a new awareness component to promote career technical education opportunities in postsecondary education.
- $330,000 increase, also from the new Federal Access Challenge Grant, to fund the Cash-for-College program pursuant to Chapter 741, Statutes of 2007.
- Authorization for a new cohort of 7,200 warrants for the Assumption Program of Loans for Education (APLE) to help increase the teacher supply in critical shortage areas including math and science (payments estimated to begin no sooner than 2010-11).
- Authorization for 100 new warrants for the State Nursing Assumption Program of Loans for Education (SNAPLE) (payments estimated to begin no sooner than 2010-11).
- Authorization for 100 new warrants for the Nurses in State Facilities APLE program (payments estimated to begin no sooner than 2010-11).
The budget includes the following General Fund state operations adjustments:
- $1.5 million in unallocated budget balancing reductions from the workload budget. This approach allows the Commission to determine how best to balance competing needs to preserve delivery of CalGrants.
- One-time funding of $1 million to accommodate moving costs and furnishings associated with a relocation of the Commission.
- $1 million savings by shifting the cost of the Commission's Federal Programs unit from General Fund to the Student Loan Operating Fund. The budget also reflects a reduction of $500,000 from the amount budgeted in 2007-08 to align costs for currently authorized staff.
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