Higher Education
Nurse Education Initiative

The Budget continues substantial investments to address the statewide nursing shortage in the higher education segments and financial aid programs totaling almost $36.6 million. This includes $28.3 million in total funding for Community Colleges to expand nursing enrollments and address student attrition. The Budget also provides $6.3 million for CSU and $1.7 million for UC to continue expansion of nursing enrollments, and authorization for the Student Aid Commission to award new cohorts of 100 loan assumption warrants each for the State Nursing Assumption Program of Loans for Education (SNAPLE) and for the Nurses in State Facilities APLE program to help meet clinical nursing position needs for state agencies. It is noted that $2.5 million of the budget-year CTE funding plan is reserved to support third-year grants for the K-12 nursing career pathway program for school districts. With this budget, the cumulative funding provided over the last five years above normal enrollment growth in all education segments totals approximately $154.7 million. Counting investments of over $40 million made in the last five years in the Office of Statewide Health Planning and Development and the Employment Development Department, cumulative investments for the Governor's Nursing Initiative total $195 million.

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CHAPTER HIGHLIGHTS for Higher Education Back to Top

 UC and CSU Fees and Enrollments
 Community Colleges
 Career Technical Education Initiative
image of black pointing arrowNurse Education Initiative
 CCC Student Success Initiative
 Sale of EdFund
 University of California
 California State University
 California Community Colleges
 Hastings College of the Law
 Student Aid Commission

Enacted Budget Summary - Higher Education (pdf * - 195K) -
Provides the entire Higher Education Chapter in pdf format.

Enacted Budget Detail - Higher Education
Displays Enacted Budget Detail information for Higher Education.