Higher Education
California Community Colleges
The Budget provides total funding from all sources of more than $9.2 billion for CCC, an increase of more than $329 million or 3.7 percent above the 2007-08 level. This funding level includes $312.5 million net General Fund and Proposition 98-related increases or 4.9 percent above the 2007-08 level. The Budget includes the following significant Proposition 98 General Fund amounts for CCC:
- $69 million increase from one-time Proposition 98 savings to backfill an estimated 2007-08 reduction in property tax revenue based on revised estimates. This amount is available for expenditure in the 2008-09 fiscal year.
- $18.4 million in savings was captured in the Special Session pursuant to Chapter 2 of the 2008 Third Extraordinary Session from undersubscribed programs or available balances in programs, including $10 million for Career Technical Education, $6.1 million from the Economic Development program, and $1.1 million from Nursing Program support and $1.2 million from growth funds for CAHSEE remediation programs at community colleges.
- $39.8 million increase to provide a 0.68-percent Cost-of-Living Adjustment (COLA) for general apportionments.
- $113.5 million increase (almost 2 percent) for enrollment growth for general apportionments. This funding will enable CCC to enroll more than 23,000 additional full-time-equivalent (FTE) students. This amount reflects a budget balancing reduction from the workload budget's 3-percent growth amount.
- $28.3 million in continued funding (including $6 million in Workforce Investment Act funds) to support increases of almost 4,000 nursing enrollments as well as diagnostic and assessment services aimed at reducing nursing student attrition.
- $1.9 million in continued funding for increased textbook assistance for low-income students that was initiated in 2007-08.
- $570,000 in continued funding for the Fiscal Crisis Management Assistance Team to prevent insolvency for financially struggling districts that was initiated in 2007-08.
The Budget also provides for the following changes from other state sources:
- $2.7 million to reflect an interagency agreement with the California Department of Corrections and Rehabilitation to provide training for prison staff that play key roles in the rehabilitation process, consistent with strategies authorized by Chapter 7, Statutes of 2007.
- $12.5 million in one-time funding is appropriated, pursuant to trailer bill legislation, to the Chancellor's Office from the Public Interest Research, Development and Demonstration Fund to support for three years an interagency agreement with the Department of Education to develop up to 61 new "Green" Partnership Academy Programs throughout the state. These academies will work in conjunction with clean technology and energy businesses to provide cutting-edge training for K-12 students that will prepare them for careers in water conservation, renewable energy, pollution reduction, and other green sectors.
- $531,000 unallocated General Fund budget balancing reduction to the Chancellor's Office that will be accommodated by reducing temporary staff, holding less essential positions open, and by eliminating non-essential travel and other expenditures.
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