Proposed Workload Budget
Juvenile Population Adjustments
The Division of Juvenile Justice (DJJ) projects a juvenile institution average daily population of 2,294 youthful offenders in 2007-08, 78 more than anticipated in the 2007 Budget Act. The fiscal impact in 2007-08 is an increase of $5.6 million General Fund. In 2008-09, the juvenile institution average daily population is expected to decrease by 508 wards, or 22.2 percent, to 1,786. The population decrease is primarily due to shifting responsibility for housing non-serious and non-violent juvenile offenders to local jurisdictions beginning September 1, 2007. The fiscal impact in 2008-09 is a decrease of $48.8 million General Fund and a decrease of $986,000 other funds. The total General Fund expenditures are partially offset by revenues from the sliding scale fees paid by counties. In 2007-08, these revenues are estimated to be $12.4 million, a decrease of $922,000 from the revenue expected at the time of the 2007 Budget Act. In 2008-09, these revenues are estimated to decrease to $8.2 million as a result of the population shift.
The juvenile parole average daily population is expected to be 2,415 in 2007-08, a decrease of 148 from the 2007 Budget Act. In 2008-09, the juvenile parole average daily population is expected to decrease by 452 paroles, or 18.7 percent, to 1,963. However, costs will increase due to a higher number of reentry caseload parolees, which require a lower ratio of parolees to parole agents. The fiscal impact of the change in the juvenile parole population in 2007-08 is an increase of $76,000 General Fund. In 2008-09, the fiscal impact is a decrease of $1.7 million General Fund.
The population adjustment proposed in the Governor's Budget for the Juvenile Education Program reflects staffing ratios consistent with the requirements of the Education Remedial Plan. General Fund Proposition 98 funding is projected to decrease by $2.6 million in 2007-08 and $6.3 million in 2008-09.
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