Corrections and Rehabilitation
Proposed Workload Budget

The major workload adjustments required by law for 2008-09 include the following:

  • AB 900 Implementation-The Budget includes $2.5 million in 2007-08 and $35.4 million in 2008-09 to implement AB 900 (Chapter 7, Statutes of 2007). Resources are provided to expand substance abuse treatment capacity, conduct inmate risk and needs assessments, provide day treatment and crisis care services for mentally ill parolees, create an administrative structure for the rehabilitative adult programs, and train CDCR staff on effective rehabilitation principles and programs.
  • Enrollment/Caseload/Population-The Budget includes $17.1 million in 2007-08 and $20.4 million in 2008-09 to address changes in adult and juvenile population and parolee caseloads.
  • Court Orders and Lawsuits-The Budget includes $17.7 million in 2007-08 and $9 million in 2008-09 to comply with court orders and lawsuits, including activities of the federal Receiver in the case of Plata v. Schwarzenegger .
  • Employee Compensation and Retirement-The Budget includes $217.5 million in 2007-08 and $230.9 million in 2008-09 for employee compensation costs and adjustments to the retirement contribution rate.
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CHAPTER HIGHLIGHTS for Corrections and Rehabilitation Back to Top

image of black pointing arrowProposed Workload Budget
  Adult Population Adjustments
  Juvenile Population Adjustments
  Implementation of AB 900
  Court and Lawsuit-Related Issues
  Other Workload Issues
  Incarceration of Undocumented Felons
 Proposed Budget-Balancing Reductions

Budget Summary - Corrections and Rehabilitation (pdf * - 250K) -
Provides this entire Corrections and Rehabilitation Chapter in pdf format.

Proposed Budget Detail - Corrections and Rehabilitation
Displays Proposed Budget Detail information for Corrections and Rehabilitation.