Corrections and Rehabilitation
Proposed Budget-Balancing Reductions
- Total budget balancing reductions for the CDCR amount to $17.9 million and 200 positions in 2007-08 and $378.9 million and 5,854 positions in 2008-09. This grows to $782.7 million in 2009-10.
- Programs exempted from reductions include lease payments securing lease revenue bonds, costs related to juvenile offenders, medical expenditures controlled by the federal Receiver, and the Corrections Standards Authority, for a total exemption of $2.4 billion.
- The major reductions are described below:
- $4.3 million and 66 positions in 2007-08 and $256.4 million and 4,194 positions in 2008-09 resulting from the CDCR releasing specified non-violent, non-serious, non-sex offenders without prior serious or violent offenses or strikes, 20 months earlier than their original release date. This proposal would result in an institutional average daily population reduction of 22,159 in 2008-09. This reduction assumes the necessary statutory changes will be enacted by March 1, 2008. Due to the CDCR's recent success in filling vacant correctional officer positions, layoffs will be necessary to achieve this reduction and the savings reflects a lag time related to the state layoff process. Once the layoff process has been completed, this savings grows to $526.7 million in 2009-10.
- $13.6 million and 134 positions in 2007-08 and $97.9 million and 1,660 positions in 2008-09 resulting from the CDCR placing non-serious, non-violent, non-sex offenders on summary parole. Summary parole will have minimal conditions of parole and involve no active supervision. These offenders would be subject to searches and drug testing, but would not return to prison without first being prosecuted locally for any new offenses they commit. This proposal would result in a parole average daily population reduction of 18,522 in 2008-09 and an institutional average daily population reduction of 6,249. This savings grows to $231.5 million in 2009-10. This reduction assumes the necessary statutory changes will be enacted by March 1, 2008.
- $24.6 million in 2008-09 for local assistance grant funding. This proposal would reduce funding for the Mentally Ill Offender Crime Reduction Grant Program, which supports the implementation and evaluation of locally developed demonstration projects intended to reduce recidivism and promote long-term stability among mentally ill adult and juvenile offenders by $4.5 million, from $44.6 million to $40.1 million. This proposal would also reduce funding for the Juvenile Probation and Camps Program, which allocates funds to all 58 counties to support a broad spectrum of county probation services targeting at-risk youth, juvenile offenders, and the families of those youth, and to support the operation of camps and/or ranches by $20.1 million, from $201.4 million to $181.3 million.
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Proposed Budget Detail - Corrections and Rehabilitation
Displays Proposed Budget Detail information for Corrections and Rehabilitation.