General Government
8860 Department of Finance
By statute, the Director of Finance serves as the Governor's chief fiscal policy advisor with emphasis on the financial integrity of the state and maintenance of a fiscally sound and responsible Administration.
The objectives of the Department of Finance are:
- To prepare, present, and support the annual financial plan for the state.
- To assure responsible and responsive state resource allocation within resources available.
- To foster efficient and effective state structure, processes, programs, and performance.
- To ensure integrity in state fiscal databases and systems.
- FI$Cal Project - The Budget proposes $35.7 million General Fund and 237.7 positions to support the initial system implementation activities associated with the Financial Information System for California (FI$Cal) Project, an integrated statewide financial management system. The position distribution for agencies and departments participating in this collaborative effort are as follows: Department of Finance (156.2), State Controller's Office (36), State Treasurer's Office (4), Department of General Services (18), Department of Personnel Administration (11.5), State Personnel Board (9), and the Department of Technology Services (3).
- Office of Technology Review, Oversight and Security (OTROS) - The budget proposes the transfer of $3,258,000 General Fund and 29.0 positions. The functions of technology review and oversight and 26 positions will transfer from OTROS to the Office of the Chief Information Officer established pursuant to Chapter 533/06. The remaining 3 positions dedicated to security issues will be transferred to the State and Consumer Services Agency.
PROGRAMS Back to Top
The following table presents total proposed budget year positions and expenditures for each budgeted program area. These expenditures include all funding sources that support the state agency's programs.
10 |
Annual Financial Plan |
135.2 |
$21,081 |
15 |
Statewide Systems Development |
142.7 |
37,941 |
20 |
Program and Information System Assessments |
99.2 |
12,401 |
30 |
Supportive Data |
96.7 |
12,956 |
40.01 |
Administration |
67.9 |
7,612 |
40.02 |
Distributed Administration |
- |
-7,612 |
Totals, Positions and Expenditures (excluding Infrastructure) |
541.7 |
$84,379 |
Infrastructure Expenditures |
- |
- |
Totals, Positions and All Expenditures |
541.7 |
$84,379 |
Refer to the Program Descriptions
for a description of programs operated by this state agency.
Refer to the 3-Yr Expenditures & Positions for expenditures, positions, and funding detail.
The following identifies budget documents for this state agency that are available in a printable (pdf) format.
Entire Department of Finance Budget (pdf * - 25K) in pdf format.
This document provides a printable format (pdf) of all budget information for this state agency.
Note: Along with other information, this document includes the documents listed below.
Detail of Appropriations and Adjustments ONLY (pdf * - 3K)
This document provides a printable format (pdf) of only the detail of appropriations and adjustments for this state agency.
Legal Citations and Authority
Includes the legal citations (state statutes, federal statutes, and court orders) for operation of department programs and activities.