Legislative, Judicial, and Executive
0690 Office of Emergency Services
The principal objective of the Office of Emergency Services (OES) is the coordination of emergency activities to save lives and reduce property losses during disasters and to expedite recovery from the effects of disasters.
On a day-to-day basis, the OES provides leadership, assistance, and support to state and local agencies in planning and preparing for the most effective use of federal, state, local, and private sector resources in emergencies. This emergency planning is based upon a system of mutual aid in which a jurisdiction relies first on its own resources, and then requests assistance from its neighbors. More.....
- Response and Recovery Division Workload Increase - The Governor's Budget includes $1.2 million ($608,000 General Fund, $607,000 Federal Trust Fund) and 13.3 two-year limited-term positions for the Response and Recovery Division to eliminate a significant backlog of disaster assistance claims and provide adequate service to local governments and disaster victims.
- Fiscal Administration Best Practices - The Governor's Budget proposes $573,000 General Fund and 8.6 positions for the Accounting Branch and the Budgets and Fiscal Analysis Branch of the Administration Division to address the need for better fiscal administration, as identified by the Office of State Audits and Evaluations, the Little Hoover Commission, and other state oversight agencies.
PROGRAMS Back to Top
The following table presents total proposed budget year positions and expenditures for each budgeted program area. These expenditures include all funding sources that support the state agency's programs.
10 |
Support of Office of Homeland Security |
56.1 |
$346,305 |
15 |
Mutual Aid Response |
159.0 |
17,449 |
35 |
Plans and Preparedness |
79.4 |
40,152 |
45 |
Disaster Assistance |
97.9 |
643,404 |
50 |
Criminal Justice Projects |
64.3 |
218,918 |
51 |
State Terrorism Threat Assessment Center |
- |
6,912 |
55.01 |
Executive and Administration |
106.7 |
8,489 |
55.02 |
Distributed Administration |
- |
-6,828 |
60 |
Support of Other State Agencies |
- |
22,000 |
65 |
Office of Homeland Security |
- |
- |
Totals, Positions and Expenditures (excluding Infrastructure) |
563.4 |
$1,296,801 |
Infrastructure Expenditures |
- |
- |
Totals, Positions and All Expenditures |
563.4 |
$1,296,801 |
Refer to the Program Descriptions
for a description of programs operated by this state agency.
Refer to the 3-Yr Expenditures & Positions for expenditures, positions, and funding detail.
Refer to the Infrastructure Overview for infrastructure expenditure detail.
The following identifies budget documents for this state agency that are available in a printable (pdf) format.
Entire Office of Emergency Services Budget (pdf * - 56K) in pdf format.
This document provides a printable format (pdf) of all budget information for this state agency.
Note: Along with other information, this document includes the documents listed below.
Fund Condition Statements ONLY (pdf * - 11K)
This document provides a printable format (pdf) of only the fund condition statements for each fund administered by this state agency.
Detail of Appropriations and Adjustments ONLY (pdf * - 10K)
This document provides a printable format (pdf) of only the detail of appropriations and adjustments for this state agency.
Legal Citations and Authority
Includes the legal citations (state statutes, federal statutes, and court orders) for operation of department programs and activities.
Program 50 - Criminal Justice Projects, Local Assistance (pdf * - 7K)
This table contains detailed information regarding the components that comprise Program 50-Criminal Justice Projects, Local Assistance, including total dollars budgeted for each component by fund source.