Department of Social Services
Supplemental Security Income/State Supplementary Payment Program

Total General Fund expenditures for the Supplemental Security Income/State Supplementary Payment (SSI/SSP) program are $3.5 billion in 2006-07, representing a decrease of $11.4 million compared to the Governor's Budget. The SSI/SSP General Fund expenditures for 2007-08 are $3.6 billion, a decrease of $262.3 million from the Governor's Budget, primarily resulting from suspension of the January 2008 cost-of-living adjustment (COLA). Caseload for the SSI/SSP program is projected at 1,228,000 recipients in 2006-07 and 1,250,400 recipients in 2007-08, a year-to-year caseload growth of 1.8 percent.

The May Revision proposes to suspend the January 2008 state COLA in the SSI/SSP program. This will result in a savings of $184.7 million in 2007-08 and ongoing savings of $369.5 million in future years. Due to pass-through of the federal COLA on January 1, 2008, monthly grant payment levels will increase from $856 for aged or disabled individuals and from $1,502 for aged or disabled couples to $863 and $1,514 respectively. California's SSI/SSP payment levels for individuals and couples are projected to maintain rankings of second and first in the nation, respectively (Figure HHS-01).

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CHAPTER HIGHLIGHTS for Health and Human Services Back to Top

 May Revision Adjustments-Highlights
 Department of Alcohol and Drug Programs
 Department of Health Care Services
 Department of Public Health
 Managed Risk Medical Insurance Board
 Department of Developmental Services
 Department of Mental Health
 Department of Social Services
 image of black pointing arrowSupplemental Security Income/State Supplementary Payment Program
  In-Home Supportive Services
  Child Welfare Services

Revised Budget Summary - Health and Human Services (pdf * - 42K) -
Provides the entire Health and Human Services Chapter in pdf format.

Revised Budget Detail - Health and Human Services
Displays Revised Budget Detail information for Health and Human Services.

Proposed Budget Summary - Health and Human Services (January 2007)
Displays Proposed Budget Summary information for Health and Human Services.