Health and Human Services
Department of Alcohol and Drug Programs

  • 2006-07 $2.3 million
  • 2007-08 $8.6 million

The May Revision includes an increase of $4.4 million ($2.3 million General Fund), or 0.6 percent, above the $674.3 million provided in the Governor's Budget. This increase is due to revised estimates for caseload and units of service and is added to the pending request for a supplemental appropriation.

  • Regular Drug Medi-Cal - Expenditures are expected to be $2.1 million General Fund higher than projected in the Governor's Budget. Caseload is estimated to be 8,370 clients, or 4.7 percent, higher than previously projected.
  • Perinatal Drug Medi-Cal - Expenditures are expected to be $283,000 General Fund higher than projected in the Governor's Budget. Caseload is estimated to be 316 clients, or 3.5 percent, higher than previously projected.

The May Revision includes an increase of $17.2 million ($8.6 million General Fund), or 2.6 percent, above the $662.8 million provided in the Governor's Budget, reflecting the following major adjustments:

  • Regular Drug Medi-Cal - Expenditures are projected to increase by a total of $8.0 million General Fund. Caseload is projected to increase by 11,876, or 6.3 percent, and the May Revision includes a total of $7.4 million General Fund for provider rate increases (an increase of $5.3 million above the $2.1 million in rate increases proposed in the Governor's Budget).
  • Perinatal Drug Medi-Cal - Expenditures are projected to increase by $620,000 General Fund. Caseload is projected to increase by 535, or 5.6 percent, and the May Revision includes $603,000 General Fund for provider rate increases (an increase of $30,000 above the $573,000 in rate increases proposed in the Governor's Budget).
  • Proposition 36 - The 2006 Budget Act reauthorized $120 million in funding for Proposition 36 and included reforms sought by the Administration to improve the program. Implementation of these reforms has been suspended by judicial injunction. The Budget Act also authorized $25 million for the Substance Abuse Offender Treatment Program (OTP), intended to enhance treatment services. In response to suspended reforms, the 2007-08 Governor's Budget proposed to reduce Proposition 36 funding by $60 million, and utilize this funding in the OTP. The Governor's Budget also indicated that the Administration would revise the budget proposal at the May Revision to transfer all funding from Proposition 36 to the OTP if the reforms were not implemented. In light of the recent legislation regarding prison rehabilitation programs, the Administration will not propose to transfer all Proposition 36 funding to the OTP. However, the Administration continues to support its proposal to transfer $60 million from Proposition 36 to the OTP, which includes many of the necessary reforms.
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 May Revision Adjustments-Highlights
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 Department of Health Care Services
 Department of Public Health
 Managed Risk Medical Insurance Board
 Department of Developmental Services
 Department of Mental Health
 Department of Social Services

Revised Budget Summary - Health and Human Services (pdf * - 42K) -
Provides the entire Health and Human Services Chapter in pdf format.

Revised Budget Detail - Health and Human Services
Displays Revised Budget Detail information for Health and Human Services.

Proposed Budget Summary - Health and Human Services (January 2007)
Displays Proposed Budget Summary information for Health and Human Services.