Health and Human Services

The Health and Human Services Agency (HHSA) oversees an array of departments and one board, which provide essential medical, dental, mental health and social services to California's most vulnerable populations. HHSA programs provide access to short- and long-term services and supports that promote health, well-being and independent living. As the state's population continues to grow and diversify, a strong and responsible network of services that is responsive to the needs of the state's at-risk residents must be maintained. At the same time, programs and services must be structured and delivered to promote improved outcomes as cost-effectively and efficiently as possible.

The revised 2006-07 budget for all HHSA budgets totals $76 billion in combined state and federal funds. This includes expenditures for approximately 32,200 state employees. Figure HHS-01 displays expenditures for each major program area. The 2007-08 totals exceed the revised 2006-07 budget by $2.7 billion, an increase of 3.5 percent.

Figure HHS-02 displays the revised 2006-07 estimates of caseloads for major health and human services programs, along with the proposed 2007-08 caseload estimates for these programs.

Pie chart displaying Proposed Health and Human Services Expenditures for 2007-08 (All Funds).  All dollars are in millions.  Total expenditures are $78,679.1 for support and local assistance. Medi-Cal is $37,735.4 (48.0%).  Alcohol and Drug Programs is $662.8 (0.8%).  Public Health is $3,010.2 (3.8%). Managed Risk Medical Insurance Board is $1,282.3 (1.6%).  Mental Health is $4,761.8 (6.1%).  Developmental Services is $4,322.9 (5.5%). Child Support Services is $1,107.0 (1.4%). State-Local Realignment is $4,824.6 (6.1%). In-Home Supportive Services is $4,382.1 (5.6%), Children’s Services is $4,011.0 (5.1%), Supplemental Security Income/State Supplementary Payment is $3,893.8 (4.9%), Other Social Services is $1,649.1 (2.1%), CalWORKs is $4,810.6 (6.1%), and Other is $2,225.3 (2.8%).  Other includes the non-Medi-Cal portion of the Department of Health Care Services, Health and Human Services Agency, Department and Commission on Aging, Departments of Rehabilitation and Community Services and Development, Office of Statewide Health Planning and Development, State Independent Living Council, Emergency Medical Services Authority, California Children and Families Commission, State Council and Area Boards on Developmental Disabilities, California Medical Assistance Commission, and General Obligation Bond.  This figure includes reimbursements of $6,341.6 and excludes enhanced federal funding and county funds that do not flow through the state budget.

CHAPTER HIGHLIGHTS for Health and Human Services Back to Top

 Major Accomplishments in 2006-07
 Proposed HHS Spending for 2007-08
 Program Enhancements and Other Adjustments

Budget Summary - Health and Human Services (pdf * - 261K) -
Provides this entire Health and Human Services Chapter in pdf format.

Proposed Budget Detail - Health and Human Services
Displays Proposed Budget Detail information for Health and Human Services.