Department of Developmental Services
Regional Centers

Compared to the Governor's Budget, Regional Center community caseload is projected to decrease by 975 consumers, to 211,180 consumers. The May Revision includes a net decrease of $13.5 million ($23.1 million General Fund) for Regional Centers to recognize lower actual expenditures for Operations and Purchase of Services.

Compared to the Governor's Budget, Regional Center community caseload is projected to decrease by 1,370 consumers, to 219,230 consumers. The May Revision includes a net increase of $31.1 million (an increase of $33.3 million General Fund and a decrease of $2 million other funds), reflecting the following changes:

  • Purchase of Services - The May Revision reflects a net increase of $39.4 million (increase of $46.9 million General Fund and a decrease of $7.5 million other funds) for residential and other services driven by required caseload ratios and entitlements. These services include Community Care Facilities, Health Care, Health Facilities, In-Home Respite, and Day Programs. Clients are decreasing by 1,370, while utilization and costs for services are estimated to increase by one percent over the Governor's Budget. This is due to an increase in the number of consumers dually diagnosed with mental health conditions, an increase in persons diagnosed with autistic disorders, and increased demand for support services.
  • Staffing - The May Revision reflects a decrease of $3.3 million (a decrease of $10.5 million General Fund and an increase of $7.2 million other funds) to reflect reductions in population estimates since the Governor's Budget and delays in implementation of community placement plans.
  • Self-Directed Home and Community-Based Services Waiver - The May Revision reflects an increase of $1.1 million ($574,000 General Fund) and 32 phased-in positions for the implementation of the Self-Directed Services (SDS) program. This revised assumption reduces the Department of Developmental Services funding request by $405,000 ($203,000 General Fund), delays the implementation date associated with the SDS program until March 2008 and reduces the anticipated number of enrollees during 2007-08 from 600 to 400. Implementation of the SDS program is contingent on the federal Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services' approval of the Community Based Services Waiver, which is expected in March 2008. The California Developmental Disabilities Information System (CADDIS) has been discontinued, so a new SDS information system will need to be developed to support the requirements related to the SDS program.
  • Transportation - The May Revision includes a reduction of $15.2 million in Public Transportation Account funds as a technical adjustment that will not impact services. This adjustment is necessary to account for reduced transportation costs and for the non-medical transportation funding that is included in the Intermediate Care Facility/Developmental Disabled Bundled Rate Proposal in the Governor's Budget.
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CHAPTER HIGHLIGHTS for Health and Human Services Back to Top

 May Revision Adjustments-Highlights
 Department of Alcohol and Drug Programs
 Department of Health Care Services
 Department of Public Health
 Managed Risk Medical Insurance Board
 Department of Developmental Services
  Developmental Centers
 image of black pointing arrowRegional Centers
 Department of Mental Health
 Department of Social Services

Revised Budget Summary - Health and Human Services (pdf * - 42K) -
Provides the entire Health and Human Services Chapter in pdf format.

Revised Budget Detail - Health and Human Services
Displays Revised Budget Detail information for Health and Human Services.

Proposed Budget Summary - Health and Human Services (January 2007)
Displays Proposed Budget Summary information for Health and Human Services.